Anna Diehl #fundie
In the Bible, who is it that God is using to stomp all over His rebellious people? Bloodthirsty creeps like the Assyrians and Babylonians. These were merciless men who got off on torturing people, degrading women, and killing children while they violently took over the territory of less powerful nations. Sound familiar? Who do you think is really behind all this ISIS activity that we’re constantly hearing about in the news? The Church tells you it’s demons. God says it’s Him. God says that NOTHING happens in this world that He doesn’t WANT to happen. Yet when we read about people being forced to dig their own mass graves, women being raped and children being forced to play the role of suicide bombers, are we willing to see God at work? No, we’re not. We run screaming into denial, gladly exalting Satan as the “ruler of this world” so that we can avoid acknowledging what God Himself says about His own sovereignty. And while we hide out in a web of comforting lies, how is God responding to us? He’s getting angrier and angrier. What is it that ignites God’s wrath against us? Soul rebellion. What are we doing when we blatantly deny God’s sovereignty over all things, His involvement with evil, and His supremacy over demons? We’re rebelling. What are we doing when we intentionally avoid reading the Old Testament because we don’t want to be confronted with records of how Yahweh has done THESE SAME THINGS to people many times in the past? We’re rebelling. What are we doing when we try avoid the prophetic books in which Yahweh announces that HE is the true Source of all misery in this world? We’re rebelling. What makes God mad at us? Rebellion. See the problem? Christians are in for a major spanking during the end times. It’s not going to be some human antichrist with his hordes of brainwashed soldiers that we’re going to be up against. It’s going to be our own God doling out the discipline, and He’s going to be choosing many Christian targets to nail with His destructive power. He is going to be mad at US because WE are the ones who are WILLFULLY DEFYING Him today, and we’ve been defying Him for decades by refusing to believe what He says about the way things really work.