If you want gender equality you aren't a feminist. Feminists are for female gender superiority, and it's also used as a defense for some women to get away with stuff other people normally wouldn't put up with.
As if females can do no wrong.
All extremists seem to use the same rationalization for hating the other site, they pick the worst of a group - may it be ethnic, racial, political. religious, geographical or philosophical (yes, some philosophers - established ones - can be batshit crazy too) and use that as a base to smear the entire group. Most of them take up redifining the terms by which the other group identifies itself and change the definition of that term.
This is a perfect example of this happening.
History has disproven those claiming that women are inferior to men, so, not to call themselves feminists, they qucikly change around the definition of the word. And that's the core problem why extremists are extremists and what makes us call them extremists - they don't see that they were wrong and sure as hell can't admit they were wrong.
"Feminists are for female gender superiority"
Stop it gaylor(d), you're turning me on.
"As if females can do no wrong"
Well, speaking as a man myself, compared to you inferior subhuman misogynists, they can't .
If yo ass want gender equalitizzle yo ass aint a gangbangin' feminist. Feministz is fo' female gender supaioritizzle, n' itz also used as a thugged-out defense fo' some dem hoes ta git away wit shiznit other gangstas normally wouldn't put up with.
As if dem hoes can do no wrong.
If you want female gender superiority, you're not a feminist. Feminists want gender equality. Hey! Who knows more about feminism; a feminist or a misogynist?
Wonder what Mr Gaylor means with "get away with stuff other people normally wouldn't put up with"?
Of course females can do wrong, we're just normal human beings, and human beings do wrong all the time; "Errare Humanum Est". That's sort of the whole point; women are normal human beings, not some oddity or minority, neither precious flowers nor stupid servants.
Well, I wouldn't go so far as to say that no woman can do wrong or that women never do wrong, but from a historical standpoint, I'd have to admit, as a man, that the pendulum is firmly on the male side in regards to sheer amount of wrong actions.
This may not be true... but it is perceived by true by many people. It is quite a popular idea... and not entirely fundie. And I don't see this person as necessarily being a misogynist.
In fact, feminism has become a rather questionable word in that it almost doesn't mean anything. You tend to have to explain what you mean by it.
Stick something in front of it. "Radical", "socialist", "Marxist", or "liberal" all makes the meaning clearer. Because frankly? I've seen a lot of no true scotsman fallacies with feminism. Mainly from the radical feminists (when it comes from inside feminism), so and so "isn't a real feminist" and all that.
Chill, man. Try saying to one of the feminists, "Beat me, whip me, make me write bad checks." You might like the results.
I don't see anything fundie.
He expresses concern over misanderists co-opting and hiding behind the label "feminist", and says he doesn't like double standards.
He isn't very articulate though
Easy mistake to make because of the "fem" root, but mainstream feminism is still a gender equality movement, built around the supposition that females are treated in an inferior manner to males (which I would argue is demonstrably true).
Radical feminism operates on the pretense that Gigahart_gaylor attributes to all feminism, and is more like a separate category of thought from your more standard feminism.
@Canuovea, thatotherguy: I dunno. My sister-in-law identifies as a radical feminist, and she's totally fine. Julie McCrossin (Australian anarcha-feminist, journalist and comedian) wrote an essay on what she referred to as "lesbian separatism" back in the 80s. The "crazy bitch" strain of feminism has been around since before then, but I think she was decrying it at its peak. She recalls seeing misandrist grafitti, and hearing questions like "Can straight womyn be feminists?" Susan Brownmiller (who thinks rape is a conspiracy that all men everywhere are in on) was around at that time too, using the term "radical feminist". My sister-in-law's partner is something of an anarcha-feminist, and I'm an anarchist, so we get on well... But then, some anarcha-feminists have said absurdly bigoted or authoritarian things in the past that have caused big issues inside the anarchist community, and especially its queer and feminist subgroups.
So I don't know if the extra qualifying terms do help... Sometimes I think I'd agree with someone wholeheartedly, but they turn out to be slime.
What's more, I don't know if I'd be able to predict any differences between a socialist, liberal, or Marxist fe,inist. I would assume being any of those implies a certain amount of feminism (even Stalin was pretty good on women's rights... sadly, human rights not so much), but I still wouldn't know to what degree.
I still suspect this guy's a misogynist prick though.
Felix Wilde,
I've read some radical feminist stuff... and sometimes I quite agree. Sometimes I think it ridiculous. But that isn't to say they're all insane. They're not, I agree.
The whole "can a straight woman be a real feminist" thing was something I was thinking about... then there is the "can men be feminists?" and all that stuff. And what is a real feminist? No true Scotsmen... everywhere.
I think the different _______ feminist labels should imply some type of feminism in all of them, true, but I hear people offer so many different variations of the definition of "feminism" it gets hard to keep straight.
I don't know if we could come up with a definition of feminism that all feminists would agree on.
Yeah I noticed that too, unfortunately it seems that the feminist movement or more precisely the term "feminist" has been hijacked by the feminazi.
This actually seems to be a problem in many movements for instance just the other day I saw a post in slacktivist that was complaining that right-wing fundies had essentially stolen the term "evangelical".
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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