What if God (truly) commanded American Forces to annihilate Canada, and to kill every man, woman, and child, would it then be moral for us to obey that command? Yes, in fact it would be immoral not to.
This kind of thinking relies on several very weak links.
It presumes that God is real.
It presumes that God's judgement is morally correct and superior to man's judgement no matter what either judgement actually contends.
And, it presumes that one can distinguish God's commands from Satan's commands (if he exists), halluciantions and dreams.
Allow me to rant:
This is essentially the Divine Command Theory (DCT). This, of course, states that whatever God says is right (which is loony in its own right, but bear with me). This prompts an important question: why is what God says right? Is it right because God said it? or is it right, and God recognized that, and told us? Each has a problem.
If it is right because God said it, God can be completely arbitrary. This is, essentially, what this idiot is saying. If God changed his mind, and whatever he said becomes right, then God is neither moral nor immoral, good or evil. Merely right.
If God saw what is right, and told us, then it is obvious that right exists outside of God. In that case, why do we need God?
Either way, this system of "God said it, so it's right" is totally bogus. As such, this guy and everyone like him should be stood up against a wall and shot. Before hand, they should be informed that our God has told us to shoot them, and since God said it, it is right.
There. Divine Command Theory in a nutshell. If it evercomes up again, please simply reference the fundie to this post, so that they may commit suicide when they realize that they make no sense (fat chance, I know, but it's worth a shot).
Sorry Dufus - a cat can look at a King. The President is a very powerful man - that doesn't stop anyone with an IQ higher than 70 thinking he's a retarded loon.
No action is above judgement - they can only be below judgement with their insignificance. The larger the action, the MORE judgement.
P.S. Your imaginary bigoted, jealous, petulant friend sucks ass!
There was a time someone claiming to be getting their orders from God would either be burned at the stake (Joan of Arc), or locked up (Son of Sam).
Now they can be President of the United States:
"George, go and end the tyranny in Iraq" - George W. Bush quoted by former Palestinian foreign minister, Nabil Shaath in a BBC report.
I'd really be worried if he wasn't such a fuckwit.
The whole thing I don't get about the "LOL whatever God does is automatically good, even if any sane person would otherwise call that action grossly immoral" thing is... according to the Bible, humans ate from the tree of knowledge. The knowledge of GOOD AND EVIL. According to the Bible, humans have the capacity to recognize good and evil and to distinguish them.
Ace of Sevens #28587
<< I thought Aquinas pretty much did away with divine command among Christianis and no one else believed it to begin with. he essentially argued that God is incapable of ordering us to do soemthing immoral. >>
Exactly, Ace. The problem is that the fundies look at that statement, "God is incapable of ordering us to do soemthing immoral," and translate it in their heads as, "Anything God orders must, by definition of coming from a supremely good god, be moral."
So that seems to be how even those fundies who are basically genuinely good-hearted can justify violence, bigotry, and all sorts of other immoral behaviors; if they somehow are convinced that this is how God wants things done, then THAT must be what defines "good," and it's no use trying to argue with them that "good" should be an absolute value that can be applied independently.
~David D.G.
It would never be moral unless every man, woman, and child in Canada was already wanted for murder or something, and we had evidence for it. Every last child.
And you people say that atheists have no moral?
At least ours is rather equal; if it's bad to kill, then it's bad to kill your enemy, if it's bad to rape, then it's bad to rape your wife, if it's bad to steal, then it's bad for the government to steal from its subjects.
If you want to annihilate Canada - specifically one small part: the home of He Who Must Not Be Named (a.k.a. 'T**y B****s'), you go right ahead.
You'd be doing the planet a favour.
...oh, and while you're there, just erase VenomFagX as well. He's a fundie oxygen stealer who's serving no practical purpose, too.
Lets do just the same "argument" the other way round:
"What if God (truly) commanded Al Qaeda to fly airplanes into the WTC, killing as many people as possible and inflicting unspeakable horror, would it then be moral to obey that command? Yes, in fact it would be immoral not to."
"David Heddle", it's exactly the same as your "argument", but in this case, the USA is the victim. Would you fly an airplane into the WTC if "god" commands you to do so?
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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