“Those who have no faith in God do not know what is right and what is wrong”
And yet, the prisons are full of Christains… Weird.
“They have lost the power of discrimination.”
I’ve held a Secret or Higher clearance for teh last 44 years, which does require adherence to som pretty basic standards of moral behavior. Been an atheist for most of that.
“They are untruthful”
My PRP record says otherwise.
“proud and egoistic.”
Well… In my defense, I AM me.
“They are given to excessive greed”
And yet my retirement advisor says i live within my means. Huh.
“wrath and lust.”
I’ll cop to wrath. I have come THIS CLOSE to killing peopple on the highway. My wife would probably agree to lust, but i have to point out i haven cheated on her in 38 years. Despite trips overseas and business trips out of town.
“They hoard up money by unlawful means.”
How odd that you lie so fluently.
“They become men of demoniacal nature.”
uh huh… Let’s get you some pudding, grandpa.
“They commit various sorts of atrocious crimes”
I’ve exceeded the speed limit a few tmes. Never driven under the influence. Never actually driven anyone off the road. When a cashier fgives me back too much change, i take it back even if i have to get back in line.
"They have no ideals for their lives.”
This is just bible fanfiction for you, isn’t it?
Have you ever MET an atheist?
“They are thrown into demoniacal wombs.”
“They sink into the lowest depths, deluded birth after birth.”