"This quote has been up for nine years, yet no-one has had the decency to come along and append the claimed evidence to it. You'd think that any proselytiser with a bundle of evidence to hand would be conscientiously searching the Internet, day in, day out, for prime opportunities like this to convert the heathens/backsliders/atheists."
This quote was in 2003. You'd have thought that Goosed here would have volunteered as a wit(l)ess for the defence in Kitzmiller vs. Dover just two years later.
'Christians who do not accept creation have been brainwashed by the school system to believe a bunch of lies'? Oh yeah. I'm suuuuuuure said defence would agree wtth you, Goosed. After all, said case was presided over by John E. Jones III, a Conservative Christian who had been appointed personally to the Federal bench just three years previously bt George Dumbya Bush, a Conservative Christian who believes in Creationism; he himself voted in by Conservative Christians who believe in Creationism. So you'd have thought that KvD would be a piece of piss for you Creationists, would you not...?
...even bringing in as an expert wit(l)ess for the defence Michael Behe: a Professor of Biochemostry who believes in Creationism. It'd have been an open & shut airtight case for Creationism, impossible to lose, would it not? Hell, the Conservative Christian agenda wouldn't have even needed to pray, no 'faith' necessary, when with the game stacked in your favour, every possible permutation & possibility calculated, just like a chess/poker genius, it'd be impossible to lose, would it not...?
...the rest is, as they say, history.
Aaaaaand... where was the evidence to support the defence, least of all from said proseltysers?!