various commenters #fundie
RE:New York Human Rights Commission Investigating Women’s Only Workplaces
NORMALLY, I wouldn't care.. If someone wants to plunk down capital and hire only left handed, transgendered, midgets.. I don't care.
BUT, since progressives have attacked Christian bakers, photographers, pizza shop owners, owners of hobby chains, etc, etc, etc, and basically waved their behinds in everyone faces for years now.. Now I do care.
I'm Austrian but also in other countries here in the "refugees welcome" countries like Germany and France we seem to be way more conservative and logical than the USA regarding these topics. Just a year ago i thought Amerika is the most sane country in the western world.
in Austria and Germany f.e. if you are gay and want a wedding cake from a christian baker, the baker has protection of deciding who he works for an who not. Common sense!
Same goes for Diversity quota and representation politics you have in Amerika. Over here we don't have any laws nor political nor media pressure that this and that much women should be in this and that position at a company, same goes for ethnic minorities. Our universities don't have "Affirmative Action" because it would be considered racist to have that, you need to be succesful and hard-working to get somewhere in life, no matter your ethnic background.
Now before i get "Yeah well, you Germans/Austrians have this and that ridiculous law!" - Yes we do! We have countless of silly laws, especially when it comes to migration and the lack of freedom of speech!
But i'm glad we don't have our silly laws AND these american "affirmative action" and other super PC laws. I hope Amerika gets better and rid of these things!
(Christian Hagen)
As long as it isn't male-only, or White-only, or conservative-only, or pro-life-only, or anything that isn't following the multiCULTural indoctrination
(John Magee)
No lectures from Europeans please. From Sweden to Italy Europe is committing national, cultural, and ethnic suicide on a scale that is breathtaking. I believe Vienna now has entire districts where Muslim children now outnumber Catholic children. Austria will not be the Austria it was before 1970 ever again.
(Bike Helmet Ride)
I demand more midget Eskimos in the NBA. It's WAY too unbalanced in favor of tall athletic black males.
Practicing sexism reinforces sexism. If women want respect, they absolutely must give it. Without equal responsibilities like this, true equality is impossible. It is juvenile and victim-minded to consider otherwise.
Women. Grow up! You said you wanted equality. Then do not turn into sniveling children. Equality-speaking, it's not becoming.
That's the thing most of us don't care what business and people do, but once a side (like the liberals) starts attacking (Republicans) for the right to refuse service we can no longer sit on the sidelines. We are going to have to start getting into the mud and dealing with these fascist Liberals. The liberals for too long have ignored the rules they want everyone to follow. You run into a problem with a liberal record it if you can and or take them to court.
(Michael Redford)
Fantastic! I am a 6'3" 240 lb woman with a penis. Can't wait to join the private club! They might get away with keeping men out but let's see how they do keeping trannies out.
That's transvestite until you cut it off.
After that it's just a mutilated man.
“human rights included empowering women.” Human Rights mean all humans are treated equally. It has nothing to do with empowering only one group. That wouldn’t be equal.
(Bike Helmet Ride)
Human rights is a codeword for "We want to rob whitey".
Another installment in "it's ok when we do it".
Hypocrisy is a tell of demonic feminism
That is, by definition, sexism, you disgusting sexist pigs.
(NJ Guy2)
So we can have men's clubs again?
How about White Men's Clubs ?
(NJ Guy2)
They seem to want segregation again, so........
but that goes too far...nevermind the congressional black caucus
(Chris King)
wow, they're discriminating against like 67 genders or something... hate crime.