Well it does come straight from the fundie bible...
The book of Hatedness Chapter 2 Verse 13-18
13: Yeah and Jesus spake to those gathered with hatred and despisement in his voice and countenance.
14: "To those that do not follow your otherworldy and perfect understanding of the word of the Lord your God shall you always show hatred and antipathy. Yea shall shun and deride them, curse them and demonize their political beliefs, for that is righteousness."
15: "Yea listen not to those that tell you that I come in love, rather listen to those who teach the devine hatred that my word embodies. I come not to welcome sinners and turn them to the paths of righteousness, I come to hate them and spread that hatred over the world."
16: "If yea find a sinner thou should threaten him in my name. If eternal damnation and their flesh being burned endlessly for all eternity does not sway them then thou should threaten them with physical harm."
17: If the sinner persists in disbelief then thou should
assualt, maim, or kill them in my name to show them that I am not to be fucked with. Yea for this shalt yea be blessed to wear a crown of silvery foil in heaven."
18: "Blessed be those that hate in my name, blessed be those that injure disbelievers for my glory, blessed be those that kill to spread my word."
Don't bother looking in your bible, only fundies can see the scripture of hatedness.