Dean Chambers #conspiracy

Barack Obama's press conference from the White House yesterday spoke volumes about what kind of man this president truly is. Our narcissistic, manchild, petulant president used terms like “holding hostage,” “ransom,” “burn down your house,” “chaos,” “a nuclear bomb,” etc. Obama was unhinged and barely in control, lashing out at Republicans in Congress (that he refuses to negotiate with) because they won't just roll over and give him everything he wants. Simply put, the press conference yesterday was a temper tantrum from a very narcissistic baby.

Early this year we read about the theory that perhaps Barack Obama's absence the night Benghazi burned could explained by the notion that the president was getting high on cocaine with his pal Reggie Love. This theory was put forth by a blogger named Kevin DuJan, who suggested the president's behavior was consistent with what he knew of the behavior of someone who is addicted to illegal drugs, perhaps cocaine. Obama himself, in his autobiography, admitted to past cocaine use.

I have no doubt that yesterday's behavior at that press conference could well be the behavior of a cocaine addict. This web site, in part says such an addict would, “Over time, crack/cocaine abusers may become secretive, unreliable and dishonest. They may exhibit dramatic mood swings, depression, or psychotic behavior, due to the neurological effects of the drug.”


This president is not only addicted to drugs, but he's addicted to power. He must control everything, regardless of who is victimized by it. Giving power to this president is exactly like giving a bottle of booze to an alcoholic. This is precisely the reason why this president needs to not be president. Republicans in Congress need to show some spine and propose the impeachment of this president.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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