Abortion exception: Only when the Mother's life is at risk.
Dominionists believe that this determination can only be made by qualified, moral, and ethical Christian Doctors, in joint consultation with the Mother, Father, and a qualified, moral, and ethical Christian Pastor. Regular people, who did not attend medical school, have no business getting involved in this specific decision.
Christian Pastors attend medical school?! Since when?
And if the Father and Mother are just 'regular people', do we not bother involving them also?
and a qualified, moral, and ethical Christian Pastor
Where on earth are you going to find one of those?
Doctors, in joint consultation with the Mother, Father, and a qualified, moral, and ethical Christian Pastor.
All of whom are the "regular people who did not attend medical school."
These guys are so more fundie than Randy.
Actually, just the mother (and baby-daddy, if he even cares) and a licensed gynecologist are the decision-makers here.
It's nobody else's fucking business.
Dominionists can go suck shit, really.
Good luck finding a Fundie pastor who took and passed advanced biology in medical school.
it's basically saying "no abortion for you, whore!"
Maryland Bear: Yes, he does mention the mother, but just how much say would she have, especially with such "knowledgable" men around? Slim to none, probably...
"Dominionists believe that this determination can only be made by qualified, moral, and ethical Christian Doctors"
So, the only qualified doctors are those who believe abortion is wrong?
"and a qualified, moral, and ethical Christian Pastor."
The non-Christian and the non-religious need to consult with a Christian pastor?
"Regular people, who did not attend medical school, have no business getting involved in this specific decision."
Are not Christian pastors "regular people who didn't attend medical school?"
How 'bout us "regular people" who have a better grasp of the issue than deluded doctors and assoholic Fundie preachers?
By your own criteria, Nick, you have no business pontificating on the abortion issue as you are neither a doctor nor a pastor.
Are you a doctor? I highely dout it. And your a boy I'm guessing by your name, how do you now what it feels like with a baby in you sitting there choosing? I have heard many men say that they could not handle the pain of having a baby. So I would shut up since your not having unless "God wants you to" -notes sarcasm-
you mean "people who think women are objects and so will place a ball of cells or embryo far above whatever woman such things are leeching from, because they're sacrosanct, at least until they're born."?
No, no, how about we let those who are actually pregnant decide on their *own* kid, with the help of actual, real, *educated* (no, put that fairytale collection down, I mean a real education), and capable of reasoning, to help them with their decision and abortion if they decide not to keep the thing?
Start by treating those who aren't exact clones of your memes and opinions like humans... hell, start treating your own fucking members like people, and respecting their rights and wishes.
THEN maybe you'll have a moral leg to stand on regarding blastocysts.
Prager: I'm sure there's a qualified, moral, ethical Christian doc out there. Somewhere.
Of course, he'd never, ever be considered a TROO CRISTCHUN!!, so it's a moot point.
The last sentence is far truer than you meant it to be. "Regular people, who did not attend medical school have no business getting involved in this specific decision." That covers abortion in a nutshell, only the people directly involved and their medical advisors should be involved. The rest of your post is bullshit.PS What med-school did you attend, Nic? Otherwise, shut up hypocrite!
@MarylandBear: I initially read it as the mother and father of the pregnant girl, but probably you are right. On the other hand, I wouldn't put it past these fundies to cut the pregnant woman out of the decision all together.
Regular people, who did not attend medical school, have no business getting involved in this specific decision."
so like you? or your qualified pastor? or likely as not, your Christian doctor? and the parents probably didn't go to med school either. so basically no one can be involved.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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