In the Beginning before the Fall, the world was without Sin.
No creature ate another creature.
After the Fall, animals began to eat one another.
One thing the scientists cannot explain is, why do sharks have big, flesh-eating teeth, if they were Designed for a world where animals did not eat each other????
I really don't expect an answer. That one will stump 99.9% of you.
<<< One thing the scientists cannot explain is, why do sharks have big, flesh-eating teeth, if they were Designed for a world where animals did not eat each other???? >>>
Simple. They weren't designed for such a world. They wouldn't have such teeth if they were.
Is this guy aware that he's making our point for us? Hell, I'd probably have made the same comment about sharks if he hadn't. It can't possibly be healthy to be debunking your own arguments and think you're making sense.
I suppose this might make sense to someone who starts with the unfounded assumption that God MUST exist, and merely wants to tell the choir that they shouldn't trust scientists since they can't answer the question. It makes sense in his own little world, in the same way that your dreams make sense before you wake up.
I can't believe it -it would be a perfectly coherent and valid post if only the word "scientists" was replaced with "creationists".
It's closer to being right that 99.9% of fundies will ever get, and yet it shows such a deep irrationality of thought that he sinks to the lowest 0.1% instead of the highest.
Worst case scenario:
.999 * 6,000,000,000 = 5,994,000,000
6,000,000,000 - 5,994,000,000 = 6,000,000
There are ~1,000,000,000 Christians. Thus:
994,000,000 Christians are confused.
Wait. Did that make sense?! :O
This guy has got to be the single dumbest human ever. Serious.
I mean, it's one thing to formulate a flawed/stupid/insane argument. I respect that. Nobody of us can claim infallibity.
To blast a smoldering hole in your own belief system with a single 29-word sentence, however, AND sincerely believing that you've just dealt the mortal blow to your arch enemy with said sentence is almost transcendentally stupid.
I hereby second this post for the "Self-Inflicted Refutation Award".
Furthermore, I have the feeling that the outrageous idiocy displayed here should be rewarded with another prize, namely the "Singlehandedly Disproving Creationism, Supporting Macroevolution And Doing All Of That Unintentionally Award"
Post of the Week (4) is too logical and too well written for a typical post, so I suspect it was written to fool this site. Most believers will say that it was a good thing that the "fall" happened so quickly so that sharks would not starve to death with teeth so poorly adapted to eating coral or kelp (actually thinking the humor in Mark Twain's "Diary of Adam and Eve" is true).
"No creature ate another creature"
To my understanding, that is certainly challenged after reading that, plants are also creatures, so he must be saying that no animal ate at all before the fall. I guess the first to eat something was Eve.
One thing the scientists cannot explain is, why do sharks have big, flesh-eating teeth, if they were Designed for a world where animals did not eat each other????
Can you explain why God designed them that way? Of course you can't, you can't prove something that dosn't make any sense.
But since science says that since the dawn of time animals have always had to eat something, even other animals to survive, then a shark evolving serrated pointed teeth that would allow it to be top predator would make perfect sense.
Sharks have big razor teeth...because they're designed by nature and natural selection for a diet consisting of the flesh of other animals. And their gastrointestinal tract can only process meat.
About as sharp as a marble, this one.
@VulcanMak: The Fall, in Christian beliefs, describes how in the beginning, everything was perfect, and--this is the best part--everything ate plants . Everyone got along great, nobody died, it was basically heaven on Earth.
Then Eve at the apple* and the Fall happened--sin was introduced, things started to eat other things, and the planet became as it is now.
So he's planting his foot firmly in his mouth here by pointing out that if things didn't eat other things before the Fall, then what did sharks do with their big, jagged, meat-eater teeth.
*At least, I think this is what triggered it. I'm not sure, though. Haven't read the Bible in... ever, actually.
Actually, I looked at the thread and (s)he's not trying to argue that evolution didn't happen, but that evolutionary science is inherently incompatible with Christian faith.
On that basis it's a teeny tiny bit less stupid than it looks.
Even if this person were trying to say evolution is incompatible with Christianity, he managed to muster up a "problem" that is entirely within Christianity. If god made a world where animals did not eat each other, then it is god that should've had the foresight to not give sharks teeth. So this person is every bit as stupid as he's making himself out to be.
"One thing the scientists cannot explain is, why do sharks have big, flesh-eating teeth, if they were Designed for a world where animals did not eat each other???? "
I actually find this interesting mainly because if I asked seethelightofgod the same question, he would most likely reply: "BECAUSE GOD SAID SO!!"...I love irony...
One thing the scientists cannot explain is, why do sharks have big, flesh-eating teeth, if they were Designed for a world where animals did not eat each other????
Whatever happened to the whole "god knows the future" thing?
"One thing the creationists cannot explain is, why do sharks have big, flesh-eating teeth, if they were Designed for a world where animals did not eat each other???? "
Sharks have big teeth because movies like "Jaws" and "Deep Blue Sea" would not have been scary otherwise. Obviously God loves a good Holywood fright.
Or maybe it's because they've been fucking eating meat for a hundred million years, give or take. Because, ya know, they were not Designed (I love the capital D, by the way) in the fundie sense.
because...they weren't designed for a world were animals didn't eat each other.
How do *you* explain sharks sharp teeth, if they were designed for a world where animals did not eat each other?
I have to admit, this fundie tactic is new and innovative. Take a scientific argument which proves a biblical myth as wrong, and just use exactly the same argument to 'prove' your biblical myth. Thats a whole new dimension of fundie schizophrenism.
Lets play this fundie game further:
- One thing the scientists cannot explain is, why Noah could use tar pitch to waterproof the Ark, when all crude oil components were generated from decomposing bodies of the plants and animals which drowned during the Flood???
- One thing the scientists cannot explain is, how Jonah could be eaten by a whale, when the esophagus of a whale is way too small for a human to fit through???
- One thing the scientists cannot explain is, how Cain could get a wife, when he and Abel were the only children of Adam and Eve???
Now, scientists, how do you explain that??? Will you finally admit how Great God is? Hallelujah!
Back on topic: This fundie is saying more or less, that the contradictions in the bible proof how holy this book is. That these contradictions could only have occurred because of "divinity".
Paging technician to the confusion metering room... technician to the confusion metering room. Major malfunction detected in the logic trunk. A large self-defeating lump of nonsense is caught in the works.
Yahoo answers; Proof that stupidity can indeed rise above the level of YouTube online.
And here's one that will stump 99.9% of you-
If your answer is "goddidit", out of the thousands of gods, how do you know for sure it was YOUR god?
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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