Matt Barber #fundie
What do you say of an adult or adults who, for selfish political reasons, encourage sexually confused children to adopt a sex-centric identity and lifestyle laced with a 50-50 chance of HIV infection? I'd say they're guilty of child abuse. Adults are supposed to protect children from touching the red-hot stove, not push their face down on it.
This is true hate.
Yet in today's upside-down world it is we who are disingenuously accused of "hate" - those of us who remain compassionate and bold enough to warn our fellow fallen human beings of the spiritual, emotional and, yes, even the physical death that comes as a natural consequence of unnatural behaviors. A toxic cloud of political correctness distorts reality, choking off any honest appraisal of these self-destructive sexual behaviors. We truly live in a dark age that calls evil good and good evil.
Homosexual conduct is always sin. It always has been. It always will be. It is never good, healthy, normal or natural.
The wages of sin is death.
I'm honored to say that I'm one of those "haters" called by God to sound the alarm. While folks do send me positive and encouraging notes on a regular basis, I likewise receive a steady stream of hate mail - chiefly when I write (or speak) on the issues of marriage, God's moral law and His natural order for human sexuality.