the religion of the atheist is evolutionism. and honestly, it takes more faith to believe that something came out of nothing (big bang - bang out of what?) rather than an omniscient, omnipotent, omnipresent God creating it all.
evolution (one may deduce) promotes racism, abortion, genocide, sexism, etc...survival of the fittest, right? well, if someone can't cut it then they just die. no morals. no grace. no love!
christians namely, amongst the other religions, advocate the giving of alms and other similar forms of welfare to those who cannot help themselves such as the poor, homeless, widows, and orphans because we hold the fundamental belief that all are created EQUAL in the image of such an awesome Creator God.
Athiest's dont have a religion. They don't believe in any kind of deity, including your false creator god.
The bible (no need for deduction here, its all in black and white) promotes incest, post-birth abortion, slavery, genocide, and indiscriminate killing, no morals, no grace, no love. Just a mean jealous god with an axe to grind and a chip on his shoulder.
Christians should be ashamed of what they are told they stand for.
Christianity promotes racism, genocide, sexism, etc... if you don't believe in Jesus, then no christian love, right?
"the relgion of athiest is evolutionism..."
1 Atheists do not have religion.
2 Evolution is science not religion
"it takes more faith to believe that somthing came out of nothing (big bang - bang out of what?) rather than an omniscient, omnipotent, omnipresent God creating it all."
You have faith, we have evidence, we win.
"evolution (one may deduce) promotes racism, abortion, genocide, sexism, etc..."
Nope, you fail.
That is NOT correct by any stretch of the imagination.
Atheists don't worship.
Evolution doesn NOT promote the things you listed.
And your god is one of the most myopic deities going. It hates gays, cripples, competing religions, science, reason, cooperation and life in general. And even the followers are competing with each other to be one of the few that get to sit along side of god's narcisstic ass and not get tossed into god's specially made hole of hell.
If by EQUAL you mean, god thinks we are all pieces of shit, then I'll agree with you.
Is there a Big Book of Tired Fundie Assertions that these people quote from? Evolution is a religion. It takes more faith to believe in evolution. Evolution promotes racism. Accepting evolution means no ethics. She covers quite a few of the oldest, lamest Fundie assertions just like she's reading them off a list.
Evolution is a scientific theory and atheism is a system that denies the existence of any deity. Is it that difficult to understand?. The survival of the fittest applies to the way nature works, not how society should. By the way, racism, sexism, and the refusal from any concesion of wellfare come from deeply religious people, not the other way round. Or are you going to tell me that know the KKK are atheist?, or that there aren´t mysoginistic passages in the Bible and that most anti-feminist are religious ones?, in which alternative bizarro universe you´re living?
Why? Why can't you understand? Evolution is complex, yes, but the basics can be taught easily. You're just willfully ignorant, and then you try to tell us that we're wrong! How can you say we're wrong when you won't even take the time to learn the most basic concepts about evolution? Oh, and, by the way, "the big bang" was a joke. It was sarcasm. READ A BOOK SOMETIME!
Religious extreamism (one may deduce) promotes racism, abortion, genocide, sexism,
well, if someone can't cut it then they just die. no morals. no grace. no love!
So is Christian love why the US has such good universal health care? [/sarcasm]. Seriously, "if someone can't cut it then they just die" could almost be an article of faith among the Bible thumping "religious right".
The rest of the thread that's on it's quite despairing, as they assume that, as we don't believe in God, we must believe we are ourselves gods.
Yea, right.
And how the heck does evolution promote all that? Besides, if we're all 'created' equal, how come we are not all living equal? And don't you dare cite immorality or sin as the basis for it.
Even if we allow 'the religion of the atheist' - I dunno, let's pretend it's analogy instead of just wrong - it's, well... actually it's still wrong.
It's like saying 1 Corinthians is the religion of Christians. The rest of the Bible? Nope. Doesn't exist. 1 Cor is the only thing from which you get all your teachings.
christians namely, amongst the other religions, advocate the giving of alms and other similar forms of welfare to those who cannot help themselves such as the poor, homeless, widows, and orphans
Sorry, you're too liberal to be a True Christian (TM), but thanks for playing, we have a lovely parting gift of the all new "Strawmen for Dummies" book just for you!
Religion promotes hatred of anyone who doesn't follow your faith. I've heard about the religious charity organisations in Africa, some, at least, only giving aid to those who will listen to readings from their books.
NICE charity!
"Evolutionism" is a myth created by fundies. It does not exist.
The Theory of Evolution is the basis for our understanding of biology. The Big Bang is part of astrophysics. Both are well-supported by science. Calling them "faith" is a lie motivated by desperation that your religion has been proven inadequate by science.
Atheists lack belief in gods of any sort. If that frightens you, grow up.
evolution (one may deduce) promotes racism, abortion, genocide, sexism, etc...survival of the fittest, right? Read your own holy book, and then get back to us about who or what promotes those things.
well, if someone can't cut it then they just die. no morals. no grace. no love! So say your buddies in God's Own Party.
what's the problem here?
clearly it's obvious that an untestable, invisible, omnipotent, omniscient supernatural deity always existed but EVERYTHING you see around you didn't. C'mon.
I love that my brain gets oxygen.
christians namely, amongst the other religions, advocate the giving of alms and other similar forms of welfare to those who cannot help themselves such as the poor, homeless, widows, and orphans
If only that were true...
Equal? Except, of course, for women, being created from the rib of Adam...oh, and all of the random races who weren't God's chosen people. Did she think about that first?
Equal? Except, of course, for women, being created from the rib of Adam...oh, and all of the random races who weren't God's chosen people. Did she think about that first?
Ok, have to start at the massive ignorance this person is displaying, how does she go from evolution to the big bang as being the same thing is well, beyond me. Evolution starts once life begins, the big bang...well that's cosmology, then we have abiogensis (how life started) and then once life is here.....evolution, that it adapts, survives and through random mutation evolves. The survival of the fittest, yeah that's a part of evolution, just a part, and it is not up to us what is fit or not, it's just part of nature. Humans don't determine this at all. As for racism, abortion, genocide, sexism she hasn't read the bible at all eh? My goodness she's ignorant. Sexism very much part of the bible, genocide....yeah that too, racism yeah it's all there.
Honestly "survival of the fittest" is used by just about everyone to imply that certain people they don't like should die, starve to death, be used as slave labor, and so on. An atheist might say (and I have seen this on this site) the religious have a brain disease and should be left to die in a holy war somewhere. A Christian will say that taxes are immoral and imposed by Jewish slave masters and the weak or infirm are worthless, godless, and deserving of death for costing them money through government programs. A Hindu will say the lowest of society are destined to remain that way and deserve it for being tainted sinners.
Congrats, we all seem to share the same basic DNA and our minds come to the same conclusions. Fittest indeed.
"Something can't come out of nothing"
Except God, apparently. To date I have not yet met even ONE creationist who bothered to try explaining that hole.
Rachel,you,madam,are a moist,bubbly,shitstain.I dont have"faith" in facts.I use facts in order to correctly ascertain truths.In this case,evolution.You see,Rachel,you misinformed fuckknuckle,evolution is a theory(look it up,I cant do everything for ya),that has been tested and retested under strict conditions,and has been found to be the best possible explanation as to how life on this planet came to its current state.Of course thats a simplified explanation.Rachel,maybe you've heard this before,you are entitled to your opinion,but you are not entitled to your own set of facts.facts is facts,Rachel,you deluded,god bothering assclown.You have the mean I.Q. of a bowl of soup.Not alphabet soup,either.
"christians namely, amongst the other religions, advocate the giving of alms and other similar forms of welfare to those who cannot help themselves..."
- The giving of alms is one of the five pillars of Islam. Another one is the assertion that there is only one god, just as the Nicene creed asserts. Judaism has similar structures. Overall Rachel, it looks like your religion isn't so special.
I'll let you wrap your head around that before I school you about what atheism and evolution really are. I gotta warn you, you're not going to like it.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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