Leroy Lewis & Martin #fundie premierchristianity.com
Johnny25343: With regard to the Bile being a perfect book. Here's the thing. The Bible was inspired, NOT DICTATED. As a result a book even an inspired one written by sinful man is no more perfect and inerrant than the man in the moon. My faith is not in the Bible because I know that it has contradictions. My faith rather is in the person who the book is about. Now He believed in the Scriptures and because of Him I believe the Bible, contradictions and all. Sadly so many people get to the point to where they lose faith because ministers refuse to be intellectually honest about the Bible and its contradictions. My faith is in the one the Bible continuously speaks of.
Leroy Lewis: J , there are no contradictions whatsoever in the Bible. There may very well be certain things written and recorded that you do not understand and you would not be alone in that. But there are no contradictions. God is steadfast in all things. What you don't understand today with the help of The Holy Spirit you will understand tomorrow, He will teach you , Precept upon Precept, line upon line, line upon line, here a little there a little. Very often we children do not fully understand what our father's mean when they tell us certain things, and then a few hours or a few days later , the penny drops, so to speak.
Martin: Inspired means that God caused what was written to be written, a better translation is breathed out, as if the very words of God were breathed out onto the page.
You don't know the person the Bible was written about except through the pages of the Bible. BTW, there are no contradictions in the Bible.