[(Intelligent Design) is a supposition which is not testable in a scientific environment and for which there is no evidence to back it up.]
you are wrong...there is a lot more 'evidence' demonstrating a designed universe than there is for random and chaotic forces 'naturally selecting' (whatever that means ) our universe out of nothing (which is IMPOSSIBLE BTW)
so...take a walk ...pseudo smart guy
...random and chaotic forces...
I think we have some miscommunication here. The forces are neither random nor chaotic. They only appear so because they are, in reality, insanely complex. The truth is that the forces operate within a strict set of parameters.
"there is a lot more 'evidence' demonstrating a designed universe"
Want to share some of this "evidence" with the rest of us?
"...random and chaotic forces 'naturally selecting'..."
What utter tosh, mutations are random natural selection is not. Learn some science and stop making a fool of yourself in public.
Creating the Universe out of nothing is impossible, you say? Then why does your Bible say that God spoke and the worlds came into being? Hmmm, sounds like creating something out of nothing to me, except in your case, an Imaginary Sky Fairy did it.
Echoes, it's you people who claim the universe was created from nothing. Oh, and that evidence for design ... that's way, way, way back in the vault, isn't it?
[(Intelligent Design) is a supposition which is not testable in a scientific environment and for which there is no evidence to back it up.]
you are wrong...there is a lot more 'evidence' demonstrating a designed universe than there is for random and chaotic forces 'naturally selecting' (whatever that means ) our universe out of nothing (which is IMPOSSIBLE BTW)
so...take a walk ...pseudo smart guy
...says the guy who has no clue what natrual selection is about.
The fact that you don't know what natural selection means shows that you don't even understand what you're railing against. STFU until you know what you're talking about.
P.S. We can tell that you're not a smart guy.
Where in the hell is all of your supposed evidence in support of ID? Why do all you dumb fucks spout that it has plenty of evidence, but never offer it? And then you deny evolution, without knowing a damn thing about it. You guys are seriously fucked up.
There is NO evidence for ID. The entire ID theory is a big "argument from personal incredulity": "I can't see how evolution could produce __________ [blood clotting, the human eye, the bacterial flagellum, fill in the blank with your favorite], therefore, Goddidit".
ID assumes everything was created out of nothing. Oh, OK, I know, there's an exception to the "something out of nothing" rule for God.
Well, I'm just going to dismiss you because you haven't even studied enough evolutionary theory to know what natural selection is, and you lack understanding of the scientific method as well. Lovely you think it's up to you to judge who's smart.
"our universe out of nothing (which is IMPOSSIBLE BTW)"
Then God created the universe out of...?
Better yet, who created the creator? And created the creator of the creator, etc...
"There is a lot more 'evidence' demonstrating a designed universe"
Because astronomy and biology are the same thing. Right.
[off-topic rant]Sometimes I wonder why more fundies don't use the astronomical argument for God (our planet's place in the solar system and the galaxy is too perfect for it to have been an accident, what happened before the Big Bang, etc, etc), but then I remember that even if they win the argument, all they've proven is that a god exists. They haven't proven that it's their god, and in fact, the evidence (galaxies have been here for billions of years, not six thousand) that they used to try and prove that a creator exists rules out the Christian god.
And that's why fundies devote so much time taking intellectually dishonest potshots at science rather than trying to actually debate.[/off-topic rant]
Physics isn't random. Chemistry isn't chaotic.
Descent with modification + environmental attrition = evolution.
Intelligent Design = "Magic man dunnit".
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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