Onan Coca #fundie barbwire.com

Atheists and liberal activist judges have once again teamed up to undermine our Christian heritage, values and philosophies.

This time, their battle took them to Mississippi where the atheist secularists found a judge who had been appointed by President Obama to do their dirty work for them. In 2013 a single student sued the Rankin County School District for violating their First Amendment rights.

The district settled the law suit, acknowledging that they had “violated” that student’s rights, but recently, after a Christian pastor delivered a prayer at an awards ceremony, Judge Carlton Reeves decided to punish the district again, ordering them to pay thousands of dollars in fines.

“Defendants are permanently enjoined from including prayer, religious sermons or activities in any school sponsored event including but not limited to assemblies, graduations, award ceremonies, athletic events and any other school event,” the judge’s order read.

In the face of this scrutiny from an evil and openly hateful magistrate the district decided to root out Christianity from their district, essentially eliminating any possible connection to the Christian faith from their schools. Sure, the vast majority of the students in their district may be practicing Christians, and sure there may have only been one or two complaints over the last decade— but the fascist atheist movement will brook no disobedience from the faithful. They will use every means in their power to enslave the majority with their politically correct anti-God behavior.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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