[It says in the Bible that only Jesus went to Heaven...yet in another portion of the Bible it says Elijah went to Heaven as well. How does this dope explain this contradiction? Why, there's more than ONE Heaven of course!]
"The answer is easy once you realize the Bible talks about more than one place called heaven," says Joe Kovacs, author of "Shocked by the Bible: The Most Astonishing Facts You've Never Been Told."
"The Bible actually describes three very different places that all have the name of heaven. The apostle Paul even uses the phrase the third heaven. Obviously, there can't be a third heaven unless there are heavens of the first and second kind as well."
Kovacs explains: "Yes, Elijah did go to heaven. But it was not the heaven of God's dwelling place that many people immediately think of when they hear the H-word, because only Jesus went there. Elijah simply went to 'the first heaven' – that is the sky, the atmosphere of Earth – which the Bible also calls 'heaven.' The truth is that he did return to the ground.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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