You can't have morality without God. Being an Atheist just so you can sin and do as you please is an eternal evil..
"You can't have morality without God."
Yes, you can. It is those that need the threat of hell hanging over them to stop them from doing bad things that truly scare me. What would you get up to if you weren't trying to suck up to your invisible skydaddy?
This is really another irrelevant argument for theism. Let's assume for a minute that you're correct, and you can't, in fact, have morality if you're an atheist.
I understand that reasoning just fine, but so what? That doesn't prove that there is a God, it just proves that it would be nice if there was. Why isn't it possible that yes, there is no God, nor is there any morality?
Once again, and for the umpteenth time, the truth is not dependent on how comfortable you are with it.
So, what about those million of atheists who never sin?. People are atheist, or whatever religion, for that matter, because they are more convinced or think they are, not because they want to do whatever they want.
Let's fix that shall we:
You can't have morality with God. Being a theist just so you can sin and do as you please while claiming you will be forgiven or claiming to act in god's name is an eternal evil.
Did I leave anything out?
It doesn't take much to understand morality as a concept. Likewise, practicing it.
Even if we had never heard about the Golden Rule, and Christ was not even a concept, we would have something equivalent, simply because IT MAKES SENSE to live that way.
Morality without god is easy if you have basic empathy and compassion. If you don't then well, maybe that's why you think everybody needs god in order to know that killing and stealing is bad, because you do.
You can't have morality without God.
Yes, we can. In fact, you're doing it right now. That you've convinced yourself that a god exists and is the source of your morality is immaterial.
In middle school, there was a girl who tormented me endlessly and pretty much every single adult hated her because she was so nasty. She was also the daughter of an Episcopalian minister.
That pretty much debunks your argument right there.
You can't have morality without God.
Yes you can.
Being an Atheist just so you can sin and do as you please is an eternal evil..
Being an christian just so you can hate and say as you please is an eternal evil...
It's not evil, it's a nihilistic copout. (It can be evil, of course -- look at Ayn Rand and tell me she wasn't a good chunk of the way there -- but it's not inherently so.)
In any case, atheism has nothing to do with morality. A great number of us are also humanists.
Ethics was a well developed branch of philosophy (NOT theology, philosophy) among the ancient Greeks. They determined that the goal of ethics was to help society get along for the long term. Their work has, thankfully, played a major role in Western civilization ever since.
Contrast that with Christian ethics. Paul showed no interest in helping society get along for the long term because, according to him, there would be no long term. Modern fundamentalists have not only adapted this short-sighted notion, they have taken it even further. By becoming excessively attached to the notion of salvation solely by grace, they have negated the notion of ethics entirely. They have convinced themselves that anything they do will be forgiven, since they have said the magic words and been accepted by god.
We have innate empathy, we win! Being an atheists just so we can acknowledge that religions don't make sense is reasonable.
The US of A is mostly Christian. It incarcerates 721 people per 100 000 inhabitants.
Russia is (surprise, surprise) Russian Orthodox Christian. It incarcerates 581 per 100 000.
Sweden is mostly non-religious. We incarcerate 82 per 100 000. You were saying...?
World Prison Population
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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