I was just checking on you guys who have put Charles Darwin in place of The Almighty God of Heaven.
Where is charles darwin? DEAD! But God is still there guys. He is everlasting. You will be judged; I mean both of you; you and charles darwin, the master of the most bebased hypothesis called evolution.
WATCH THIS VIDEO: http://www.godtube.com/view_video.php?viewkey=e4073b002a83612d4026
I confess! I go to the First United Church of Darwin every week to sacrifice an endangered species on the Altar of Imminent Extiction. The church is located right between the Einstein Synagogue and the Edison Chapel.
As for PNK's video recommendation, it;s a long, boring sermon.
Ok, I'll dig up Darwin's grave, and prove to you he existed by showing you the remains.
You dig up Jebuses grave and prove he existed using the same standard of proof.
While you're busy with the shovel, I'll go and get another gin and tonic.
"I was just checking on you guys who have put Charles Darwin in place of The Almighty God of Heaven."
I have never heard of those guys, who are they?
"Where is charles darwin? DEAD!"
Well, at least he was actually alive once.
"But God is still there guys. He is everlasting. You will be judged; I mean both of you; you and charles darwin, the master of the most bebased hypothesis called evolution."
Nope, you are mistaken about all that, sorry.
Darwin had a long white beard.
God has a long white beard.
Santa has a long white beard.
Therefore they are all the same person
we darwinists worship the same god,since the above 3 are one in the same,darwin/god/santa are the true trinity.we just dont agree on some issues,kinda like how muslims and jews disagree,but same god.
"If he's so smart, why is he dead?"
-Homer Simpson
So this is where fundie arguments come from?
Dead Man > Non-existent God
And where is your Newton now, you damn gravitationalists? That's right: he's dead! ZOMG p0wned! And Archimedes is dead too, so no longer does a solid object displace water. And all your electronics must be the work of Satan since Gauss, Faraday, Coulomb, Ampere and the whole damn lot of 'em are all DEAD DEAD DEAD!!!! Mwahahahahahaha!
I'm not watching anything from godtube. Last time I watched a video there, all I got was children crying and screaming nihilistic pleas for Jesus to end it all. Which, when you think of it, shouldn't have surprised me in the least....
ok, there's a website called "God Tube" xDDDDDDD
Stop it fundies, I'm going to piss myself
No, we have not put Charles Darwin in the place of The Almighty God of Heaven. The place of TAGoH is imaginary, nonexistent, but Charles Darwin actually existed and is now dead, yes.
If Mr Darwin could see the ToE now, he would probably not recognize it, as so much has happened since he died.
He would have no problem whatsoever of recognizing the Bible, however, as that is just as stagnant as it was when he was alive.
Worship Darwin? No, I'm a Faradayist myself. Only the great and mighty Faraday brings us real power and enlightenment.
Blasphemer! May the spirit of Nicolo Tesla (power be to His name) drive by your house and cause your garage door to open and close!
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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