Daymond Duck #fundie
[N]ew Hispanic voters will increase the percentage of people in the U.S. that will support the merger of Canada, Mexico and the U.S. into the North American Union and they will decrease the percentage of people in the U.S. that will oppose the merger. These unsuspecting Hispanics are pawns in an Obama scheme to garner support for the North American Union. Don’t forget that Henry Kissinger said that Pres. Obama has been chosen to bring in the New World Order.
Existing laws and rules will be changed to force communities to accept these Hispanics and Muslims; to deny grants, benefits, etc. to those who oppose this; to allow those who oppose this to be sued; and at some point, to give these Hispanics and Muslims preference over existing U.S. citizens. Put another way, in the future there will be two nations inside the U.S.
1) A nation of Hispanic and Muslim immigrants with preferred status and benefits, and 2) A nation of second class citizens who have lived here all their lives and won’t qualify for preferred status and many benefits. Pres. Obama plans to force the Border Patrol and ICE to keep the border open and not deport illegal aliens, and he plans to ignore court rulings that go against this scheme. This will fundamentally transform America.
Seven million immigrants in one year will change the demographics of the U.S. in a hurry. Giving them benefits costs a ton of money and there could be a lot of terrorists in a group that size.
I suspect that Pres. Obama, Eric Holder and George Soros brought in Al Sharpton and others to intervene in the Trayvon Martin (Sanford FLA) and Michael Brown (Ferguson MO) cases because they want to insure the support of the African American community when they elevate the status of the Hispanic and Muslim immigrants and lower the status of non-black existing citizens.
I see no other reason for Mr. Obama and the others to pre-maturely condemn innocent men, stir up African American opposition to the police and non-blacks, cry racial profiling and to call for new mechanisms to deal with police misconduct. If I was a betting man, I would bet that these new mechanisms are Muslim-friendly.
Everyone should be very concerned especially women, gays, non-Muslims, young people and those who can be threatened with losing their government benefits if they refuse to toe the line.