Bryan Fischer #fundie
The Left is Schizoid on Sexuality
The left is hopelessly schizoid on the issue of sexuality: they celebrate changes in gender, yet want to criminalize those who would help others make changes in sexual orientation.
This is illustrated by two stories currently in the news. One is, of course, the celebrated gender "change" in Bruce Jenner, who now claims to be a woman even though he is still a man in every single solitary cell of his body, and will be until the day he dies.
The second story involves a small, cash-poor non-profit organization dedicated to helping people change their sexual orientation from gay to straight.
The group is JONAH, which stands for "Jews Offering New Alternatives for Healing." They have been dragged into court by the uber-rich Southern Poverty Law Center and charged with consumer fraud.
So on one hand, the left breathlessly celebrates a highly publicized change in gender. But on the other, they want to criminalize any effort to effect a change in sexual orientation.
This is grossly hypocritical at best and evil at worst.
The left celebrates that kind of change, the kind of change that takes a man from the cover of a Wheaties box to the cover of Vanity Fair. This despite the fact that such a change is obviously artificial and contrived, requiring no less than 10 facial surgeries to soften and feminize the man's face.
So for the left, a phony change from male to female is a positive breakthrough of historic proportions, but a change from gay to straight is a dastardly thing that must be squashed like a tiny little bug. The left has its own catalogue of what it considers abominations, and reparative therapy is right at the top of the list.