[In a thread about the "Avatar: The Legend of Korra" finale.]
Yeah, I felt uncomfortable when Korra blushed about that. I don't support homosexual/bisexual behavior at all ever. The LGBTQ community is extremely small. There are a lot more pedophiles than there are of LGBTQ people. The media just obsessed about it som much people overestimate how many people there really.
A lot of people use the letters as evidence. But when you think about Korra was at her lowest point it took awhile for her to start walking again and she couldn't even tell her parents about it. Bolin isn't a very serious guy(would you write to Bolin?), Mako is her ex boyfriend and Asami is a girl so I thought it made sense that she would tell her without it hinting anything romantic.
I've seen straight girls hold hands, but the whole looking at each other at the end was not implying platonic feelings.
Honestly, I wish we could go back to the days where girls could support their friends (especially when their friend's dad just died) without it being romantic
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