I do not believe anyone who is intellectually honest can be an aetheist.
I think agnosticism is an orthogonal concept to atheism/theism. That is, it is a template that can overlay either, and I think any rational atheist or theist must also adopt agnosticism. In fact, I would argue that agnosticism is the opposite of fundamentalist in either of the senses.
To clarify my definitions (which aren't just my own, but may not be your own, since the terms have been conflated wildly in the past):
Atheist does not imply active believing in no gods, just lacking belief (I'll call active believing strong atheism). Somebody claiming to be a "pure" agnostic or simply not caring, in my classification, would in fact be an agnostic weak atheist.
Theist implies active believing in one or more gods.
Agnostic is the epistemological position that it is ultimately unanswerable in the absolute, unprovable, unknowable, or perhaps that the question of God is nonsensical. As in, yes, an omnipotent being could exist and have created the universe 5 minutes ago with our memories in place, etc., etc.. Or on the theist side, I suppose that there could be an alternative explanation to God. It is the recognition that we cannot logically disprove God or Invisible Pink Unicorns or the Flying Spaghetti Monster, although as atheists we could very well argue that lacking any evidence, the principle of parsimony suggests that we should assume and act as though they do not exist.
In conclusion, I agree that agnosticism is the only intellectually valid position (in its continuum/dichotomy/whatever), and further suggest that atheism is the rational position on its entirely-separate scale.
I'll be intellectually honest. Make the case for a god, and I'll believe it. No one's made the case yet, so don't hold your breath, though.
Oh, by the way, you CAN disprove the god described in the Bible; the Bible is self-contradictory, and much of it contradicts the world as we see it, so the literal-Bible god can't exist.
DDG - wrong way round, it'd be like Capone lecturing on puritanical values.
Smeagol - when quoting about intellectual superiority, try to spell the author's name correctly. :)
Mr Catholic, you're just saying that because you have experienced neither field.
I do not believe anyone who is intellectually honest can be an aetheist.
Really? Because I don't believe anyone who is intellectually honest can continue to be a believer - especially an unquestioning one.
Mormons believe that Joseph Smith translated the Book of Abraham from the original Egyptian hieroglyphs. This is demonstrably untrue, but it is interesting that the belief is held, and by so many. TJPCatholic tells us what he believes. He's wrong, but his wrongness reveals a certain state of mind. And that's all that need be said.
I agree with Ens both on the definitions of said words, and that it is essential to be an agnostic if you don't want people to think you're insane. If you really think disbelief is impossible, you're not an agnostic, and as such I can treat you as non compus mentis.
I generally assume someone who identifies as an agnostic is an agnostic atheist. Huxley said, after all, that atheism is the necessary logical result of agnosticism.
There is no god. I am as certain of that as I am of the fact that the sun will rise tomorrow. Only a charlatan would demand more confidence than that.
All arguments of agnosticism are specious. Naturally, nobody can have all experiences for all times. But when the premise is ridiculous, the mechanisms are pure sci-fi, the evidence is entirely lacking, and the proponents of religion disagree with each other so deeply, atheism is the only logical position to take. One would need to be really, really desperate or really, really gullible to try to cling to that catch-all apology of agnosticism.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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