75% of all the matter in the universe is undetectable
I must admit, when I heard about dark matter the first time, I also was skeptical. It sounded a little bit too much like the aether or phlogiston. But if you look at the logic behind it, you’ll understand why people came up with the idea. Same goes for dark energy.
(Quick aside: Dark matter and dark energy are a nice counter-example for everyone who claims that mainstream science it too dogmatic and doesn’t accept new ideas which go against the established theories.)
Hydrogen gravitationally collapses itself into a star
Yes, and?
We found the Higgs, this room full of blue reporters surrounding this red guy is how it works
Watch the documentary Particle Fever (it’s on Netflix) if you want to know what they found at the LHC.
the mean free path of a photon exiting the core of the sun is thousands of years (according to the math)but supernovas take a few months from onset to completion (according to the math)...my favorite!
I don’t really get why you think these two things contradict each other, seeing as they happen in vastly different situations.
Gravity from a planet helps moons form (according to the math)...until it rips them apart (according to the math) or in the instance of the asteroid belt prevents a planet from forming...except a dwarf planet in the middle of it...
Dwarf planets are nothing more than bigger asteroids. And what do you mean with that stuff about moons? Are you confused that moons can form from accretion discs around planets and then can be affected by the gravity of the same planet? Is that so hard a concept to grasp?
Black holes....if you get enough of something in one spot it dissappears...
I sometimes wonder if the name black hole was poorly chosen, as it can confuse people who don’t know (or care) what a black hole really is. Let’s just say, the matter that crosses the event horizon of a black hole doesn’t “disappear”, it is still there. After all, without all that matter (and its mass) there wouldn’t be this object we call a “black hole”! (Oh, and it isn’t really a hole
(Another quick aside: The movie Interstellar seems to lead to the same problem, as I had to explain to a few people why wormholes are not the same as black holes after we were in the theatre and later when we watched it on Blu-ray.)
collisionless shocks...
complete sentences?
Thank you mainstream theoretical science for your math based contributions, and for Stump.
Let’s just take one of your “facts”, the one about hydrogen forming stars. This knowledge will in a not so far future allow us to use nuclear fusion as a safe and clean energy source. So I will be so arrogant and answer you in the name of science*: “You are welcome!”
*While I am in no way a scientist, just an interested layman.