Beren Erchamion #fundie
As a Christian, I believe that humans are like no other species. We have immortal souls, and we are created in the image of God. That is why human life is infinitely more valuable than any other life form, and should never be destroyed except at the direst need.[..]
Actually 50 million people have been killed by abortion--and that's just in the USA alone. So I would estimate that far more babies have been aborted in the 20th and early 21st centuries than all the people killed in war throughout recorded history.
Now I don't believe in Evolution; I think it has drastic scientific flaws. But let's just say, for the sake of argument, that it's true. If Evolution is true, how does capital punishment hold us back as a species? Wouldn't we want to eliminate murderers, rapists, and traitors, who are polluting our species and preventing us from advancing up the Evolutionary ladder? And if Evolution is true, war is the best thing that can happen to mankind. It eliminates the weak by default, and leaves the strongest, smartest, and most well-developed people on top, giving them the opportunity to reproduce and gradually replace "lesser" humans. Abortion, on the other hand, kills indiscriminately. It stifles the reproductive rate of our species. It kills the potentially weak as well as the potentially strong, the potentially stupid as well as the potentially ingenious. So if we really want to advance up the Evolutionary ladder, we need more wars, more executions, and no abortion.