Actually, Islam and Judaism are two heads of the same ancient monster. The Jews have, historically, been the allies of the Muslims. Both Jews and Muslims glory in the murder of Christians, whenever and wherever they can get away with it.
The Muslims believe the lies of the Jewish Old Testament and relegate Jesus to being a mere "prophet" who is a lesser light than Mohammad (mhrh). So, the Jews prefer to association with Muslims more than they prefer to associate with Christians. Islam is Judeao-Islam simply because the Muslims accept the OT as true but not accurately written. The Muslims re-write the OT fables with their own twist.
Modern archaeology proves that Judaism is a hoax. And since Islam is based upon Judaism, that too is proven to be a hoax.
But regardless of how false the OT is or the lies of the Jews and Muslims to contend with, Christians have the Truth of Jesus which transcends anything those two false religions have to offer.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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