Misguided antichrist thought process is absorbed in the science threads. You guys keep up the good work of promoting false teaching that go against God. Then turn around and say it follows the bible because 1 day = millions of years in your eye's.
One of god's days not being the same as a 24 hour real day is something I've only heard from fundies. The universe was created in 7 days because god's days are somehow different from ours, despite the fact that days are based on the spinning of the earth.
Face it casey, you struck out and it's back to the dugout.
1. In the last sentence, last word should be a plural, not a posessive.
2. On Earth, 1 day =/= 1,000,000 years.
3. There cant be any false teachings that go against god if there is no god.
4. Your bible is a collection of stories that don't make sense.
I think what he is trying to say is that we see what is "really one day" as millions of years. His excuse for our "obvious" falsehood in claiming that the Earth is, in fact, billions of years old. I'm sure I don't have to point out that he is a dickhead.
Very good, in that case, stop using a computer. In any case, you´re using hte product of the "antichrist"
The "1 day = millions of years" claim is not a scientific one; it is a copout employed by Christians who want to believe the creation story but who know better than to just dismiss scientific knowledge altogether, a compromise that lets them accept creation in a mostly literal fashion, except for the hard details that directly contradict known reality.
The stupid part is that having the first human be a clay golem hardly qualifies as "known reality"; the same goes for talking animals, and the flood story is almost equally unreal. You'd think that these relatively "enlightened" Christians would catch on eventually, but no; they still cling to their myth like a leaky lifeboat, no matter how many holes science punches in it, rather than realize that they can swim on their own.
Redhunter: No joy in Mudville, eh?
~David D.G.
"Ignorant of Nature's Harmonic
4 Day Time Cube Creation, the
Americans are Dumb, Educated
Singularity Stupid and Evil. It's
not immoral to kill Americans
sex parents who Created them,
That's what I think of when i read this.
Misguided fundy christian thought process is absorbed in the 123 Christian Forums threads. You guys keep up the good work of promoting false teaching that go against common sense & the scientific method. Then turn around and say it follows reality because the earth is 3,000 years old and also flat in your eyes.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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