"What good comes from telling a child that they have a common ancestor to the monkeys and apes?"
Gee, maybe the knowledge that all things are interconnected will make the child think twice about how his actions effect others, as well as the Earth... oh, wait, you think Hippies are bad, too.
"That is real good for self esteem?"
Right, and telling a child that he is a worthless piece of trash, but "God loves you anyway, as long as you believe in this silly book, otherwise you're going to burn in Hell" *is* good for self-esteem?
"Then believing we are only animals we can begin to live like animals.....multiple sex partners for one thing."
As long as hominids have been walking the Earth, they have had multiple partners. And yes, humans *are* animals.
"I'm sure that the belief in evolution , and the derived philosophy, is partly responsible for AIDS and the rapid spreading of AIDS."
No, that would be abstinence-only sex-ed (here in the States), and the utter ignorance (and propaganda) the Church spreads and upholds -- eg "condoms are ineffective" -- in places like Africa.