Fading Light #fundie stormfront.org
We have a weak spot and the filth found a way in through it: We were too reluctant to destroy cheaters, too afraid to stir up enmity, to lazy to make waves. There were parasites drinking our blood, and we considered it too calloused to scrape them off, too intolerant, too cold-hearted.
How many of us have learned from it? If there were a button that would instantly transport all enemies of our race to an identical earth without us, and us without them, would we let it all happen again? the same fight, the same problem, with enemies that look even more like us this time?
When you say that everyone should be forced to support those who are out of work, sickly, useless, lazy, or stupid, you are perpetuating the problem that got us into this in the first place. When you tell yourself that you should get something for free that people normally have to pay for, and you know producing it is not free, you are perpetuating that problem. When you need others to carry you through life instead of standing proud on your own effort and accomplishment, you let it all start again.
Every broken person is for leftism because they need the productive, useful people to be their slaves. Every pervert, every welfare leech, every cripple whose wheelchair had to be bought though tax dollars on the workers. They are all against us. They are against us because their personal advantages are more important to them than doing what is objectively right.
How many of us have learned? Or are we trapped in a hell where we will just let this keep happening to us over and over until we are no more?
The Jews and other non-Whites, the liberals and slow death are always waiting just outside the gates, forever plying us with their sorrowful siren song: "You're being cruel by not letting us in." "Your rejection of our kind is 'hate.'" "Won't you take pity on our hunger by feeding us your children's blood?" "We are all one people."
I have learned.
Anyone who reaches adulthood and cannot contribute more than he or she takes should die. There's no nice way to say it. They should be allowed to wither away and expire. Otherwise our race is forever their slave, our children their next meal, our civilization the corpse they devour like maggots.
When was the last time you heard ANYONE opposing our movement who didn't sing that same tear-jerking song at us in one disguise or another: "Where is your heart? Let us feast on your flesh. We hunger. It is 'intolerant' of you to say no." It's on every channel, in every movie: "Sacrifice the worthy to the needs of the unworthy to prove you are not full of 'hate.'" It's in every post we get from our opposition here on Stormfront: "Can't you take pity on the suffering of the lazy and useless?" "How can you reject those who look vaguely like you and wish to take from you for their own needs?"
If you have not yet learned this lesson, how much will they have to take from you before you figure out how this really works? How bad will it have to get before you stop rewarding worthless people as if they have merely had a bit of bad luck, generation after generation after generation? How long until you stop giving away your future, your children's future, your race's future, your world's future to these exploitative vermin? Or will you have to literally give up everything before, as you die with nothing and no one, you can finally see it?
PAY only for what is of value, and always pay for it. Give NOTHING to the "needy." Teach them to work if they will work, but give no "charity" to the inferiors, no open door and warm hearth shared with people who you know will only take, contributing nothing of merit.
Let those who are sinking drown or they will pull you under with them.
You've already proven you aren't heartless. Now it's time to prove that you aren't stupid.