Liberals, Democrats and progressives somehow fail to realize that if the Muslims - whom they handle with kid gloves - are ever able to establish a considerable Sharia foothold in this country, they'll be the first ones rounded up for execution! And that's fast becoming a frightening prospect as the Obama Administration's State Department recklessly floods America's Bible belt with upwards of 100,000 unscreened Muslim refugees and, more specifically, an alarming 10,000 dangerous Somali Muslims in Tennessee during this year alone.
The members of the media better wake up fast before it's too late and do their long-neglected job as the nation's journalistic watchdogs, not the Muslim and homosexual lapdogs.
"floods America's Bible belt with upwards of 100,000 unscreened Muslim refugees "
Flooding dumbfuckistan with more dumb fuckers?
*gets popcorn*
I'm more worried about your lot trying to enshrine your religion and it's laws and bull shit in to what should be secular law. Which you've had varying success with since the nation got started, with most eventually getting shot down.
The only good thing is, none of you can decide which version of Christianity would be the ruling one.
I really can't believe the level of Shariahphobia being expressed by these idiots. Do they really think that Muslims will be able to circumvent the Constitution and install religious law in certain jurisdictions, or are they just using it as a scare tactic against the current boogeyman?
And why is it that their only solution to the threat of Shariah law is to establish Christian law first?
Or we just recognize an oppressed minority when we see one, and even if we disagree with their religion, we still oppose all of the bigoted bullshit against them.
But don't worry, there's plenty of gullible fools on the left who'll believe any website aimed at confirming their deepest fears and bigotry.
Right-wingers, Repubicans & Teabaggers somehow fail to realise that if the Theocratic Dominionists - whom they handle with kid gloves - are ever able to establish a considerable Talibangelist foothold in this country, they'll be the first ones rounded up for execution! And that's fast becoming a frightening prospect as the Repubican Party recklessly allows the Bible Belt to exist.
The members of the media woke up to this years ago, which is why they are the world's journalistic watchdogs - via their exposing the subhumanity of all right-wing Fundamentalist Christains & homophobic lapdogs.
@Doubting Thomas
"I really can't believe the level of Shariahphobia being expressed by these idiots. Do they really think that Muslims will be able to circumvent the Constitution and install religious law in certain jurisdictions, or are they just using it as a scare tactic against the current boogeyman?"
Christian fundies don't believe the constitution forbids establishing their religion, it therefore has no power to forbid establishing someone elses religion. The christians have to get their religion written into law before the muslims do it.
Liberals, Democrats and progressives somehow fail to realize that if the Muslims - whom they handle with kid gloves - are ever able to establish a considerable Sharia foothold in this country, they'll be the first ones rounded up for execution
Don't worry, the Rapture will get here first before that happen, or maybe the local Aryans will have their race war and drive the Muslims back to Mexico or whatever.
an alarming 10,000 dangerous Somali Muslims in Tennessee during this year alone.
Oh fuck off, I live in Tennessee, I had a class last semester with a Somali guy, to call him "dangerous" is an utter joke. As far as I'm aware, he's probably one of the least dangerous people in my state. And considering what I know about Somali-Americans in general, I'd say the same thing is true about the other 10,000. I'd be more worried about a Tennessean who believes the shit spewed on BarbWire than I would be about about a bunch of people fleeing from a country being fucked up from multiple angles by multiple groups.
"The members of the media better wake up fast before it's too late and do their long-neglected job as the nation's journalistic watchdogs, not the Muslim and homosexual lapdogs."
Yeah, the media and politicians in the U.S. are not owned by business at all.
We know how dangerous Muslims are we just know that most Muslims are not the ISIS terrorist kind and should not be treated as such. We believe that the worst thing to do is alienate American Muslims, and treat them bad. That treating them like the enemy is just a way to get them to turn their back on us.
While I share your disdain for "progressives" who refuse to criticize Islam except in the context of "all religion" (but are capable of criticizing Christianity by itself), a caliphate setting up shop in America is a long ways away. And I mean long. In fact, the people who apologize for Islam are only capable of doing so because they have no reason to personally fear Sharia any time in their lives.
Here's a hint: if you want to make people more critical of Islam, instead of trashing gays, take up the cause. The overwhelming majority of countries which execute gays are Muslim countries. That fact could be a powerful weapon.
If a majority white, Christian population can be dominated by a minority group then perhaps you should be calling for Christians to have more cohesion and a stronger spirit. You'd still be wrong, and have a highly exaggerated fear of any threat posed by Muslims, but at least this would be productive if a small number of people were genuinely threatening your liberties.
The members of the media better wake up fast before it's too late and do their long-neglected job as the nation's journalistic watchdogs, not the Muslim and homosexual lapdogs.
So where did you learn all this stuff, Jeff? You have your own news staff?
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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