Matt Forney #conspiracy
[Individual links provided for each part]
With the revelation that the CIA was engaging in "meme warfare," I'm wondering how deeply the alt-right and alt-media has been subverted by government spooks.
What percentage of the alt-right are feds? What percentage of them are pushing ideas created by the feds?
Ever notice how anime Nazis and TRS-types never get permanently banned from Twitter no matter what they do?
Meanwhile, me, Pax Dickinson, Vox Day, Andrew Torba, Ricky Vaughn, Chuck Johnson and other actual journalists/publishers get banned for nothing.
Also, to what degree has the deep state already molded opinion in the alt-media to produce their desired outcome?
For example, was the anti-Christian, pro-homo "kike on a stick" strand of alt-right thought created by the CIA to deflect from certain issues?
I can say with certainty that there are already deep state moles in the alt-media, and they're not who you think they are.
They are going to be unmasked in the coming year.
Only question is how much damage these revelations will cause.