Scott Lively #fundie
As you know, I am not running a typical election campaign. My Campaign Manager is the Holy Spirit, and He has His own plan and purposes for my run for Governor of Massachusetts.
First, He has told me NOT to try to make things happen in my own will and strength, but wait on Him to move others to take action on my behalf. That was the word I received while on my annual personal retreat on the Appalachian Trail this May. My personal role is limited to accepting speaking and debate invitations and media interviews, and to writing/designing literature and other advertising.
I confess I haven’t been completely faithful to that command. It is not in my nature to be passive. But truthfully, every effort I have made in violation of His guidance has been a complete dud. That happened during the signature campaign to get on the ballot. Not a single person I personally solicited to help gather signatures (with the exception of a few who came to me first) was able to help. We only made the ballot because of the work of Joanne Abel, whom God woke one night with instructions to lead the effort (along with volunteers that she solicited, and others who stepped forward to help of their own initiative). Joanne came to me. I hadn’t asked her help.
Getting on the ballot was a genuine miracle.
Now we’re in the active campaign season, heading toward the November election. Again, every time I personally try to make something happen, it fails.
I’ve finally learned my lesson, I think. I am receiving many speaking and debate invitations and doing lots of media interviews, which is great, but I am also being deliberately excluded from numerous other candidate forums and debates. In my flesh I would like to contest these unfair exclusions, however, I am trusting the Lord and restraining myself.
I want God to get the glory for any good thing that comes from my effort.
Last week, one of my supporters came to me with a plan to advertise on Facebook. I accepted the offer of his help to make this happen, and as of a few days ago we have a Facebook Ad running on every Facebook page in Massachusetts through November 4th.
However, this has stirred up the trolls and my Facebook page is being bombarded with hate messages. I’m hoping others will rally to my defense because I’m not going to battle them myself.
We’ve ordered some campaign supplies and are still raising money to get the rest, so please give as you can at by clicking here.
(Notice: Some people receive a warning message when trying to load our donation page. Ignore the message. The page is completely secure. I don’t know why it comes up except perhaps sabotage by certain internet service providers. )
Clearly, whatever good things will come of my run for governor will necessarily be by the work of the Holy Spirit. He is moved by prayer and I solicit yours.
Many Blessings,
Dr. Scott Lively