Shawn Meyer #fundie
Understanding Christian Behavior: A Guide for the Curious Secularist
Secular friend, I realize you are perplexed by us. You aren't one of those who wants to feed us to the lions.
You just want to figure us out. We are a mysterious bunch. Why must we stubbornly resist the cultural flow?
Why can't we just get on board and bake some cakes, arrange some flowers, snap some photos and otherwise celebrate so-called same-sex marriage (SCSSM)? After all, wouldn't our make-believe God show us a little understanding now that the Supreme Court has given us every excuse we could have hoped for?
If you really want to understand the behavior of Christians, you must start with our convictions. Christianity is about convictions, not preferences.
[W]e are forced to trust God on the question of ethics. Many secularists think Christians won't jump on board and bake cakes and take pictures for same-sex couples because we hate homosexuals. It's not that at all. In general, we love homosexuals and, in many cases, we even like them. Theoretically, and for all anyone really knows, some Christians might even like the idea of SCSSM while opposing it with all their strength. I certainly do naturally like the idea of living for myself, being greedy, and striking someone on the cheek if he hits me first. (At least part of me does.) But all of these things are off limits according to the God I am convinced exists and has spoken. And so is baking a cake to help celebrate that which God declares morally wrong.