You people might also want evidence to make sure that you really love your parents, brothers or sisters.
Oh I forgot, most atheist probably doesn't believe that love exist as well.
Dear, breath in and out, try to calm down, don't worry about the nice young men with the needle filled with god knows what trying to remove you from the gene pool
Main Entry:
athe·ism Listen to the pronunciation of atheism
Middle French athéisme, from athée atheist, from Greek atheos godless, from a- + theos god
a disbelief in the existence of deity
b: the doctrine that there is no deity
More Merriam-Webster copypasta and it doesn't say anything about love
Wait...why, exactly, would atheists not believe in love? The only reason I can think of for why you would say that is because your religion teaches that God equals love, and, since we don't believe in your God, we must not believe in all the happy, shiny things that you attribute to him. If that is why, it is fairly foolish.
Atheists disbelieve in deities, not love.
Well, maybe your "Christian love". But not actual love.
You people might also want evidence to make sure that you really love your parents, brothers or sisters.
Jesus said that in order to follow him, you must hate your family.
Oh I forgot, most atheist probably doesn't believe that love exist as well.
Atheist don't believe in a god. Thats it. They just don't believe in a god.
Actually, yes I do believe in love, I just don't believe in a loving god, or any other kind of god.
The fact that I haven't throttled my brother in his sleep yet proves that I love him even though he's a pain in the ass.
It's like this.
Imagine love is a computer.
Now, you don't know how computers work.
Let us say, hypothetically, you believe that computers are filled with gnomes and blue magic smoke.
Even though I know what is in them, [not gnomes] I can still enjoy using it and feel the same magic.
Because the magic does not come from the gnomes, but from animal instincts embedded deep into our BIOS by evolution.
You should try loving someone more than your god. Just once. When you do, then maybe you will comprehend the existence of love in its fullest capacity.
So, you see, you have it backwards. Without an obsession with a mythical god to get in the way, put first and worship, loving someone else is beyond amazing and powerful.
There is evidence. Check that you don't humilliate your parents and your children with no reason, don't put them in an asylum.................wasn't it Jesus who said that it's impossible to love a God YOU CAN'T SEE, if you don't love people YOU DO SEE?
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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