Who would have thought two hundred years ago that Americans would be fighting for religious freedom against a state religion--Secularism.
Don't question the state religion or you will be subjected to inquisition style ostracism.
Secularism (noun )
The exclusion of religion from public affairs: the belief that religion and religious bodies should have no part in political or civic affairs or in running public institutions.
The state religion of not having a state religion? Yeah, that makes sense!
The hypocrasy of religious zealots baffle's me , on one hand you have xtian fundamentalists trying they're damndest to persecute any thing that dosen't fit into they're narrow minded blinders but when anyone becomes offended or disagrees the fundies are oh-so-quick to cry persecution, and on the other hand you have they jewish fundies in Israel trying to implement a "Final Solution" the that "Palestinian Problem".... I just don't get it...
It's a defining characteristic of fundies, it's called compartmentalised thinking. Their minds have different compartments that use different rules of logic and reach mutually contradictory conclusions. The different compartments are sealed off from each other so the fundie doesn't notice the contradiction.
Yeah, all you Christians, and your covert worshiping...why if you even breathe the word Jesus, people hide their children. Oh...wait...you have your own churches, your holidays are ingrained into society, and your fellow worshipers get into power SOLELY on the fact that they share a faith and not for the quality leadership they exhibit (Prime example...Dubya. IQ of a cantaloupe, and trigger happy to boot. Would never have been entrusted with a potato gun without the fundie vote.) YOU ARE NOT PERSECUTED! GET OVER YOURSELF!
"Don't question the state religion or you will be subjected to inquisition style ostracism"
Most of the victims of the Inquisition soon learned that being burned at the stake was unpleasant but it was the loneliness and disapproving glances that really hurt.
Who would have thought 200 years ago that their would be an idiot named running around named brentm84067 who is too stupid to know the definitions of "religion", "state", or "secularism"? And would they have guessed whiney weinie fundies would shame themselves by inventing non-existent persecutions in the most Christian friendly country in the world, mocking REAL CHRISTIANS who are suffering REAL TORTURE and REAL DEATH in other countries around the world? "Jesus wept."
Some countries actually do have this problem, but we don't.
Fortunately the constitution prohibits the government either establishing a state religion or preventing you from practicing your own.
Uh oh, "You can't use everyone's tax dollars to force your religion on everyone" is a religion that's being forced on everyone! What EVER will we do?
Not use everyone's tax dollars to force a religion on people? You mean you have to spend your OWN MONEY to promote your religion? How horrible!
Religious freedom = forcing your religion down other peoples throats in your terms, so GTF.
Anyway, the first amendment and 'Treaty of Tripoli' should spring to mind.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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