Martin #fundie
Martin: David
Of course you have doctrine and they're based on your belief in taking away from one group of people to give to another. You force the Bible into that mould and claim to be a Christian.. That is not Christianity, this is socialism.
Salvation is just the same after Jesus' death and resurrection as it was before. Those events made no difference.
DavidS: I don't have a doctrine as such, I just try to follow Jesus example. Jesus manifesto is set out clearly in Luke 4:
“The Spirit of the Lord is on me,
because he has anointed me
to proclaim good news to the poor.
He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners
and recovery of sight for the blind,
to set the oppressed free,
to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor.”
That's clearly a social justice manifesto. I hate to be the one to tell you this but Jesus wasn't a social conservative who would support 'free market' capitalism based on greed and self-interest. He would support a system that puts the needs of the poor and needy before the wants of the wealthy elite.
The context in which Jesus was speaking does make a difference. Things were different before he fulfilled his mission and different afterwards, otherwise there is no point to his sacrifice.
Martin: David
No, that isn't social justice, it is salvation to those poor in spirit, to those enslaved by their sin, to those spiritually blinded and oppressed.
DavidS: It is to all those as well as the physically and financially poor, the outcast, the refugee, the immigrant, the disabled, the vulnerable, the disabled and those on the fringes.
Martin: No it isn't.
DavidS: It is. Sorry that your evil, sadistic god doesn't see it that way, but that is how the true God who is love, sees it.
Martin: David
The God I worship is just and merciful, what you worship is not a god.
DavidS: So you've denounced Calvinism then?
Martin: Why would I renounce biblical doctrine?
DavidS: Calvinism isn't Biblical.
You said "The God I worship is just and merciful" - the Calvinist God is neither just or merciful, he is a sadistic monster.
Martin: Is a judge a sadistic monster because he judges fairly and applies the law so that the criminal pays the penalty?
You understand neither Calvinism nor the Bible.
DavidS: I understand both. A god who creates billions of lives just to send them to hell is a sadistic monster with no love.
Martin: David
They go to Hell because they choose to, for their sin. Don't blame God for that. As always, you have no understanding of Christianity.
DavidS: According to Calvinism they go to hell because of predestination and because God doesn't want to save them.
I understand Christianity very well, it's about love, mercy and grace. Not judgement and punishment.
Martin: David
They go to Hell because of their sin. Judgement and punishment are at the heart of Christianity. You can't have mercy without them.
DavidS: Mercy triumphs over judgment.
"They go to Hell because of their sin" - that isn't Calvinism. Calvinism says they go to Hell because they're not part of God's hand-picked 'elect', which makes God a sadistic monster.
Martin: David
Yes that is Calvinism. You are an ignorant fool who will not be taught.