We must stand firm, but at the same time, we must rejoice if we are called to suffer persecution for Christ's sake, for great is our reward in heaven. Many times, the ungodly have been convicted of their sinful intolerance of Christians by the way Christians responded to their persecution-- by praying for them and doing them good and blessing them. If we suffer loss owing to homofascist attacks on liberty, we do not lose-- we gain eternally. The Spirit of glory and of God rests on those who suffer persecution for the name of Christ.
So while we are obviously disheartened by the ludicrous ruling of the Supreme Court, and grieved by its consequences for future generations of children, we must not be devastated by what has happened. God is still in charge, and He will triumph through His people who are made 'more than conquerors' for Christ's sake. Let us never forget that to be a witness in biblical terms is to be a martyr-- someone willing to suffer for doing what is right. That is our calling at the present time if the government starts hammering those who refuse to operate according to the "new morality" and new defintions they want to impose-- to suffer as martyrs for God's truth. The rebels who oppose God's truth won't get too far "denying reality and biology" as you put it, for no one can go on living in a fantasy world forever-- and that is the warped world an aging, balding, bespectacled old judge like Kennedy lives in-- a world of perverted fantasy, in which there is no absolute truth, no fixed structure, no solid moral norms-- but everything is fluid, like a dream world. Who knows what personal problems he has that are driving him to act so insanely and with such pitiful hubris-- him and the other tired, worn out, shriveled up justices sitting beside him. They are acting like little demigods, when they are mere men (and women); what comical folly that is-- five people acting as if they had authority dictate to an entire nation what marriage is, contrary to millenia of established truth about marriage. The folly cannot prevail in the end, for it is so patently at war with reality. Pride goes before a fall.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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