Peter Watson #fundie
Maria - This is rather off subject but may be of use to you if you try and explain why the conservatives are progressive globalist marxists -
Greetings from God's country - the State of Texas
No escape from the Tories’ LGBT school agenda
If anyone doubts that the Conservative-In-Name-Only government is not conservative, just look at the latest guidance issued by the Department for Education. Compulsory Relationships and Sex Education will be introduced into all secondary schools, and Relationships Education in all primary schools, from September 2020.
Despite the vast majority of parents being opposed, the new curriculum will be pickled in politically correct ideology. Section 26 of the guidance requires schools to ensure that their policy on Relationships and Sex Education is in line with the Equality Act 2010, which demands that particular regard is shown to groups or individuals with protected characteristics, and allows positive action to support such groups.
In the brave new world of equality, diversity and inclusion, some protected characteristics are more equal than others. In schools, conservative Christian and Jewish teachers have lost out to LGBT activists, even though religious belief is a protected characteristic. To foster good relations with ‘gender reassigned persons’ and pay particular regard to their needs, teachers must accept and affirm the statements of children who say they are the sex that they aren’t. Since the inception of the Equality Act 2010, a number of teachers have been fired for refusing to accept the Orwellian worldview that they must obey and affirm children who are speaking nonsense.
Ultimately, children are to be brought up as gender neutral. They will be taught that they are not boys or girls but choose their gender when they are ready. This could be at age five, but it could be never. They can be genderfluid – a quasi-schizophrenic condition where one chooses one’s gender from 70 or so different options on a moment-by-moment basis.
LGBT activists also want to bring up children to accept the ideology of the ‘modern family’, which views the traditional family as just one of dozens of different lifestyle choices: thus, mother and father, two mothers, two fathers, single mother, single father, polygamous, polyandrous, etc are all equivalent and no one is allowed to view one family model as being superior or inferior, or more or less natural than any other.