There are disturbing things in the “Dora the Explorer: Dance to the Rescue” DVD. This is potentially the most dangerous and blasphemous cartoon I have yet reviewed for this site. Not only does this disc promote SATANISM and PAGANISM but it also propagates THE NEW COMMUNISM as an Unholy Trinity. First, Dora, a force for the false belief in cultural relativism and the rejection of GOD’S TRUTH disguised as educational television, is accompanied in her adventures by a TALKING GOAT during her adventures on this DVD.
Holy fucking shit. Now their demonizing DORA? My daughter loves Dora. Hell, I kind of like Dora myself. It's a good cartoon for kids. It's fun and educational at the same time. This is got to be the dumbest fucking shit I've ever heard. This is rediculous. Now I'm praying for the rapture, just so these fucktards can get the hell out of here and leave us normal people the fuck alone. What horseshit.
Edit: And if this is the worst cartoon he's ever reviewed for his site, then wait until he get's to Japanese Anime. He'll shit bricks over Inuyasha.
Oh my, I think I can almost follow the unlogic:
Goats, being purportedly used in satanic rituals, must be evil, thus a talking goat must be satan.
If, on the other hand it was a talking lamb/sheep then it would be OK, or even a good date if you're Welsh.
Think I need to lie down in a darkened room...
Well, while this site says that my beloved Hello Kitty is actually the Egiptian god Anubis (which, totally rocks!) I think it is a fack (but, go Bro. Cletus, go!)
If this is a Poe, then it's a pretty good one.
If not, then oh my fucking stars and garters. Why Dora of all cartoons?
I'm sorry, what?
The only thing I have got clear is that Communists, somehow, had got speaking goats(and Christians speaking snakes, which I already know)
This is a Poe, right?
Adam and Eve had a TALKING SNAKE.
What I could see when I googled it, was a very silly movie/game, with a girl who danced to free her friends. And it had extremely vibrant colors, ghiääää! (Yes, I have no kids, I'm not used to children's entertainment.)
Where's the SATANISM and PAGANISM and COMMUNISM in that? And what is THE NEW COMMUNISM? How does it differ from THE OLD COMMUNISM?
'Christians Against Cartoons'?! You've clearly never heard of Anime:
Ah! My Goddess
CardCaptor Sakura
Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha
Magic Knight Rayearth
Mahou Sensei Negima ('Magical Teacher Negima')
Mahou Tsukai Tai ('Magic Users Club')
Mai HiME
My Otome
Princess Tutu
Sailor Moon
Tenchi Muyo
And those are just a few of the most inoffensive titles. If these stiff-arsed nutcases ever laid eyes upon the more ecchi or hentai ones available, then...:
And don't forget, it was Pat Robertson who introduced anime to the USA, via "Superbook" & "Flying House".
"Dude, it's DORA, not the fuckin' hentai!"
Rule 34. Just sayin'.
"wait till they get to tentacle porn!"
What about Guro and Futa and Tentacle Yaoi? They'd shit them selves over that! There's probably porn of such stuff as well."
"Boku no Pico". Just sayin'.
you butthurt christian assholes are whiny bitches who wastes their time porotesting things like gay marriage, porn, anime, and CHILDRENS SHOWS you all need to get laid and get lives this coming from acatholic who supports god and the truth is god is probably laughing his ass off at you hoes
Click on the quote link.
Seems that whoever had that site originally, they'd either lost it to another owner, or abandoned it, to be resold.
It's now a Japanese blog.
Hurray for 'Satanic' and 'Pagan' Shinto/Zen Buddhists! Anime - born out of that culture - has destroyed your 'God'. Praise Amaterasu!
...or Haruhi Suzumiya. X3
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