And I am tired of hearing that crap about, well abort the baby early, and there will be nothing to it. Oh thou earthly fools, you have no right to take God's babies life without His permission. When abortion clinics get blown to bits, it makes me a happy man.
You know, I'm not ... entirely comfortable with abortion. At what point does life actually start? By the time the first trimester is over you can see hands and fingers and toes ... I dunno. If it looks like a person, what keeps it from being one?
I don't know. It's just a difficult question.
YW - absolutely, 100% agreed.
The labels are applied by the side that wins. 20 years ago, would you have labeled Yasser Arafat as a statesman or a terrorist? It is interesting to note that, by the current FBI definition of "terrorism," our founding fathers were all terrorists.
I'm also not in favor of abortion, but one must consider the following things:
Is blowing up clinics and putting doctors on trial for first degree murder going to convince women to bring to term a child they are unprepared for? Will it put an end to the do-it-yourself abortionists who decide that a thorough abdominal beating or a few visits from Dr. Jack Daniels?
It would take more money, more time, and more people than any Christian would willingly devote to SOLVE the problem.
Of course, once the anti-abortion laws are in place, this won't happen, right?
I don't think anyone in the world is "in favour" of abortion. I've had one and I'm not in favour of them. But they're necessary sometimes. I'm a fairly easy going lefty, but I'll get up and shout my head off for the rights of women to control their bodies. Frankly, this "happy man" can go and get fucked. What business is it of his?
So, aborting a cluster of cells is bad...blowing up a clinic with, I'd wager...10 or so people inside, not to mention a few of the aforementioned clusters of cells all being maimed or killed is the Godly way? Good thing you thought that statement through...
Yes... exploding clinics make Lewis a happy man because he just sent his secret mistress for a 'bortion and he did not want anyone to know. Cunt.
On a more serious note, whichever way abortion is legislated there will always be people who are "for" and "against". I cannot see any compromise being made in the near future.
However, I would be the first to stand up and scream for women's rights if it were outlawed. Banning something does not stop it from happening.
That said, it's easy for a man to get up on his hind legs and rant about immoral women getting pregnant, but he must remember that it takes two to tango, and a sad fact is that boyfriends and fathers are often responsible for pressuring their girlfriend/daughter into abortion.
From what I've seen Moderate
(I'm sorry we have to call you that but "Sensible Cristian," while more adequate would still bother both sides)
Christans and Atheist
(being both developed and free of dimentia human-beings)
Also have problems with abortion.
It's not an easy decision. I'm a guy but if the girl doesn't want a baby now,,,that her decision. No one can tell her it HAS to be.
He's entitled to argue but it IS her body and her life'
“And I am tired of hearing that crap about, well abort the baby early, and there will be nothing to it.”
Who says that? It’s a significant decision, for any woman. It’s the theist caricature that women see it as easily as changing panties.
But i really, REALLY do think it’s an important decision for the woman to make. Not the Church. Not the legislature. Not A Million Moms.
“Oh thou earthly fools, you have no right to take God's babies life without His permission.”
Why would we think it’s without his permission? He could certainly send a column of fire to SAY that ‘this displeases me.’ But he doesn’t.
"When abortion clinics get blown to bits, it makes me a happy man.”
So you support terrorism. Good for you. Please don’t vote.
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