>Queers are deviant
Argueably. But so are geniuses.
I'm military, and a bit of a muscle bear, not a whole lot effimnate about that.
>HIV positive
HIV is really more of a druggy disease these days, and once again, in the army. HIV is a med discharge.
>Aids infected
I'll give the benefit of the doubt and assume you ment AIDS infected, and wasn't that your last point? (Yes I know HIV doesn't always progress to AIDS)
>rotten plague carrying man-devils.
I really don't know how to respond to this. Other than some parts of India and China is the plague still endemic anywhere?
>Queers are sub-human
Mate, I have legitimately demanded lynchings for people, but still never denied they were people.
No more or less straight people.
>pathologically paranoid
It's not pathalogical when poeple are actually trying to murder you.
>neurotic socio-paths
"Sociopath" lacks a hyphen dear. And I haven't called for anyone to be rendered immortal for the sole purpose of torturing them forever.
>and only conversion by the blood of Jesus can reverse the fag’s hell-bound plunge.
Haemophagia, because it's not deviant if it's religious.
>Dykes seduce wives,
If that's the case the wife is either gay or bisexual anyway, and the husband probably knows and doesn't care. Or possibly cares a lot and wants to watch. I've seen that a couple of times.
Well, yeah. Every woman is someones daughter.
>infants and beasts
Paedophilia =/= bestiality =/= homosexuality
>unnatural dog-like sex acts
Wait, if they're dog-like, and therefore animalistic, wouldn't that make them more natural than an act that is exclusively human?
>and are consumed with so much lust of the flesh they cannot express normal love
From the guy obessing over other peoples sexlives.
>Continuing shameful sexual acts on each other, animals, dead bodies of humans
Necrophilia =/= homosexuality either.
>and refusing to worship Jesus as Lord will damn all fags to the eternal lake of fire with Satan.
Heaven for the climate, hell for the company.
>It is acceptable for the righteous to heap words of filth upon the obscene dyke/fag and when seen in public ridicule and rebuke them; this will please the LORD GOD ALMIGHTY.
The god of Abraham is a duche-bag film at eleven.
"Love offerings"? What the fuck is that? Prostitutes? Actractive relatives? Sappy poems?