Today, Federal Judge Bunning ordered Rowan County, Kentucky, Clerk Kim Davis to be taken into custody by federal marshalls and to remain in jail until she agrees to issue licenses for same-sex “marriage” bearing her name.
The plaintiffs did not even request incarceration, but Judge Bunning said that financial fines were not enough and ordered her to jail.
Mat Staver, Founder and Chairman of Liberty Counsel, said, “Everyone is stunned at this development. Kim Davis is being treated as a criminal because she cannot violate her conscience. While she may be behind bars for now, Kim Davis is a free woman. Her conscience remains unshackled.”
No, she's being treated like a criminal because she broke the law. Not satisfied with not doing so herself, she will not allow her office to issue marriage licenses.
@ NoXion:
Hers is an elected position so she can't be fired.
Bigoted, bossy, rude, willing to discriminate, that what we call a "conscience"?
"Mat Staver, Founder and Chairman of Liberty Counsel, said, “Everyone is stunned at this development."
The legal precedent is now set .
Anyone else like her - unless they value their jobs, obey the law and STFU - can now be sued into oblivion with impunity by those who impede S-SM law in any way, shape or form. Religious 'principles' not allowed.
And said 'Principles' don't pay the bills, fundies.
I think you'll find, post-26th June, and now this, 'Conscience' isn't worth shit .
Let the Persecution begin. >:D
She does not need to issue a single license. That is not the problem here. The problem is she used her power and authority as an elected official to push her beliefs on others.
NoXion, she can't get fired because she's and elected official, that's why she was able to cause as much trouble as she did. She was not just one employee at the clerk's office she was the county clerk herself.
The plaintiffs did not even request incarceration, but Judge Bunning said that financial fines were not enough and ordered her to jail.
I see the Judge's point here. Somebody would've just crowdsourced the funds to pay her fines for her, and she'd have not been punished at all.
This is a Dominionist wedge issue, at this point they're pretty sure they can push any theocratical violation on the system. They won't be happy until it's legislated that any Christian (and ONLY Christian) sensibilities trump the Constitutional laws.
Thanks Republicans, it's this constant pandering to the right wing fundamentalists bullshit that has less than 10% of the candidates not total wackadoo fundies now, forcing their dogma on others and ignoring their actual duties to office, egging shit like this on.
She even says "they could go to another counties office" Admitting her actions won't change the final outcome, she's quite aware the licence isn't her marrying them
Enjoy your forced vacation until they replae you.
I wonder if someone in a position of authority thought that issuing gun permits or hunting licenses violated their xtian conscience. Would they get the rallying cries as this twunt?
The plaintiffs did not even request incarceration, but Judge Bunning said that financial fines were not enough and ordered her to jail.
The point that many choose to ignore here, probably because they haven't bothered to read the news reports all the way through, is that the judge concluded that based on the testimony given by Davis in court, it was clear that a fine wasn't going to get her to budge an inch. He found that incarceration was the only way to get her to act differently, if at all.
The funny part is that Davis herself is a three time divorcee. What a fucking holier-than-thou hypocrite.
I wonder what she would have done if some "divorce is sin" christian had denied her a marriage license for her second, third, and fourth marriages?
she is an elected public official sworn to uphold the law. That does not give her the right to choose what laws she will follow. If her conscience doesnt allow her to do the job she can always resign.
She is a criminal, so far as she is in contempt of court.
@Miles Gloriosus
"I see the Judge's point here. Somebody would've just crowdsourced the funds to pay her fines for her, and she'd have not been punished at all."
Whereas now she can sit there smugly, feeling like a martyr and revelling in her journey to sainthood.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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