If the Bible is a bunch of lies than I know it would not have lasted for 4,000 years, and it doesn't look like it will disappear anytime soon. The Word of God stands just like a Tree with deep roots
So by your line of thinking then all the Greek, Roman, Egyptian, and Babylonian myths must then also be true, not to mention the myth of countless other civilizations that existed before during and after that time period.
I know humans themselves would not make up ridiculous stories like Noah's Ark, The Red Sea parting, The Burning Bush, Daniel and the Lion's Den, miracles, and Jesus' resurrection. They would only write them down if they witnessed those events for themselves
That's a bullshit arguement on it's face. If they were capable of making up the myths that are endemic to all cultures then what makes the biblical myths anymore likely to be true? How were they capable of creating all the other myths and at the same time not capable of creating the biblical myths?
You can't have it both ways, either the biblical myths are just that, or all the myths of all cultures are true, which they are obviously not. You can't claim any special credability just because those myths happen to belong to the religion that you favor.
They chose to write it down despite how foolish it would sound, because they knew it to be the Truth.
And you posess the knowledge of this how? How is it that you can claim to know that to be the case with biblical myth and not other mythic cycles? You can't, You're just Lying for Jesus in a vain and selfish hope that you can convert others and thereby hoping to gain status and favor in the eyes of the mythic figures you happen to worship. It's religious Multi Level Marketing and nothing more, it's a hollow game of one-upsmanship that you desperately hope will make you more important and thus superior in the eyes of your peer group.