Uncensored2008 #fundie usmessageboard.com

democrats are the party of rape.

They want to put frat boys in prison for consensual sex with a drunk girl, but when it comes to violent, forced rape, the democrats are full on proponent. Just check out the threads on the Muslim rape jihad and you'll see all the forum leftists defending rape tooth and claw.

democrats are promoters of violent, forcible rape.

In the 2012 Todd Akin spoke of "real rape." The democrats savaged him for it. Now democrats are the party of rape, so it's not surprising.

Akin was right of course. What the left calls "rape" involves generally young people who drink too much or use drugs and end up having sex. If the girl regrets the sex then the boy is put in prison and called a "rapist." The left has created a climate of fear in what is essentially a Victorian era attack on normal sexual activity,

But rape, real rape, is a violent act. It's more about power and domination than it is about sex. And of course the left, the democrats, are major apologists and supporters of violent, forcible rape. Muslims are victimizing women all across Europe, but the democrats demand we be culturally sensitive and not complain.

The left is at war against women, and rape is just a political toy for them. If it can be used to create fear and oppression on American campuses, then the faux-rape will be pushed to absurdity. The goal is the neuter American men and create an environment of fear. But real rape is also a tool for the left. Real rape leaves women traumatized and often scarred for life. But the left excuses it as a cultural expression by their Islamist allies.



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