The Russian journalist is mostly right. Women in Russia and Eastern Europe were “liberated” from domestic life long before Western women. Roughly 50 years earlier, in fact. However, second wave feminism was actually “made in the USSR.” Betty Friedan, the godmother of second wave feminism, was a Communist agent — an honest to goodness Stalinist. The Feminine Mystique, her seminal book, was based on work she did for the Communist Party in the 40s and 50s. However, since then feminism has mutated into an American product that would barely be recognizable to good old Uncle Joe.
Because Russian women got a long head start in feminism, they discovered long ago that gender equality is not all it’s cracked up to be. It’s much easier to get a free dinner and a bunch of roses in return for sexual favors than to, say, serve as a partisan on the Eastern Front. American women still think they can have their cake and eat it, but they’re just finding out that it doesn’t work that way, hence the constant state of confusion that seems to afflict young American women.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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