old_salty_dawg99 #fundie politicaloutcast.com

Given that LIBERALS hate America and will and do whatever they can to destroy America this comes as NO surprise. Obama who thinks he is better than GOD will do everything in his power to rid this World of the only thing keeping it alive. Obama is helping bring about the end of this world by his actions. He is not the Anti-Christ in the BIBLE but he is laying the foundation for his coming. The BIBLE says that CHRISTIANS will be hated and attacked more and more as the End nears, The BIBLE also tells about how many who claim to be Christians would leave the real and TRUE church in large amounts and seeing all the so called Christian Groups that are allowing open Homosexuals be not only part of but in positions of leadership is just another sign of the end being near. Obama and other so called leaders are being used to set up the beginning of the end of this World and the return of Christ for his Church and people. America became doomed the moment that the NINE IDIOTS on the supreme court allowed the separation of Church and State LIE to be made the law of the land. Those nine go the ruling from the old USSR's constitution which is a LIE since under Communism the church and state are the same thing.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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