DoctorDoom #conspiracy
Can America survive even one more year of the treasonous Magic Nígger and his DOJ MiniMe working in warpdrive to destroy her?
When a cancer is discovered, it can be fatal to hope that it doesn't metastasize for three more years. Obastard and his gang of thugs are far worse than any cancer. They need excision ASAP, by any legal means necessary, and if they fail, then by powers in high places in Washington using extralegal methods.
The Constitution is very clear on the subject of treaties, but the traitor Obasshole has been very clear on his utter contempt for the Constitution and his oath of office. IMO, he has no intention of leaving the People's House on 1/20/2017. Before then, he and his America-loathing horde of barbarians will instigate a national crisis. They will use it as an excuse to declare martial law and suspend indefinitely all rights and priviliges. There will be no 2016 elections. Obasshole will pronounce himself President for Life.
Who will stop him when he has the race card to play whenever anyone says "NO!" to him? He has been in power for 1745 days and not a whimper of protest has been heard from anyone in Washington when he repeatedly demonstrates that he is an enemy of the state and a clear and present danger to the Republic. Why? A: for the same reason that he was elected and reelected. That reason is the color of his skin.
Ah, yes, his presidency is "historic", so his fawning OAKM idolators told us. But then Stalin, Mussolini, Mao Tse-Tung, Hitler, Ho Chi Minh, Kim Il-sung, Pol Pot and others were also "historic". The fact than the Kenyan-born nightmare established a precedent by being the first black to be elected as the POTUS in no way means that it was a Good Thing, especially when he was elected ONLY because of his race.
We've seen it all before in other countries and other times. Obastard is studing the playbooks of tyrants of past and present. My fervent hope is that the people in very high places in DC, although they most likely don't give a shit about this country, will decide that Obasshole's continued rule will imperil their cushy jobs and will take steps to eliminate the threat. They may have no loyalty to America, but neither do they have loyalty to a treasonous bastard who is threatening their political, social and economic well-being.
I still wake up every morning hoping to read that the Kenyan cancer has been removed.