Anonymous contributor #fundie
Here are other things I could do with the power of the devil.
1. Just to scare normal people, make the ouiji board pointer fly in the air and land on someone.
2. Tell people what they were thinking and say their words in unison with them while they speak.
3. Make candles light by thought while normal people were playing seance.
4. Floor turning ice cold in the middle of hot weather when calling spirits forth to attend seances. Also, cold wind blowing through a room - strong wind.
5. Pointing index finger at ones who scoff or defy power - terror would pierce them and they would flee screaming, sometimes never regaining sanity.
6. Causing accidents, rashes, confusion, coughing, etc. when sending curses on people.
7. Hearing male voices speaking out of women or vice-versa during seances or any other time of calling forth of demons.
8. Satan himself talking on the ouiji board to ones he wanted - telling all their life and terrifying them if they did not agree to be his.
9. White, filmy beings floating through the house, dancing in circles in the yard - many of them.
10. Flies covering windows in the coldest of winter - unnatural hum.
11. Walls sweating and hot in winter - like a fire in them.
12. Voices talking muffled conversations - coming from closets, drains, heat vents, stuffed animals, toys, dolls.
13. ALL PRANKS ARE DEMONIC - demons hide in joking and pulling pranks.
14. Unusual odors - gas, oil, sewer, smoke, electrical fire, etc.
15. Virtually anything is possible in the realm of the occult, if it is done for the purpose of fear, hatred, pranks, power and control. If done to be nice, demons will not obey.
16. Turning lights on and off without touching switches.
17. Causing people to feel as though bugs are crawling on them or snakes, mice, etc. are crawling on them.