Matt Forney #fundie
[Remember his gloating after Trump's election every time Matt says he and his are victims]
I don't think people understand the gravity of what's going to happen after Charlottesville.
The left is going to start hunting down and assassinating right-wingers.
Heather Heyer's death is the justification they will use to harass, stalk, assault, and murder right-wingers across the U.S.
Jason Kessler can't hold a press conference without nearly being lynched by an angry mob.
Leftists openly cheer on the fact that Baked Alaska might have been blinded by the mace attack.
They don't want to argue and we CAN'T argue with them.
They're out for revenge and they want to KILL us.
If you live in a city or left-leaning area, you should move ASAP.
You're not safe, not in a country where Jason Kessler can't hold a press conference without getting attacked.
Leftists not only feel justified and emboldened in attacking us, the police and media are running cover for them.
The upside is that the left is accelerating in their psychosis so fast that they're going to start targeting cuckservatives and Democrats who are too right-wing for their taste.
Me personally, I'm staying in Europe, where it's safe.
Watch yourselves back home, my friends.