"California has also stated that all cats are now dogs."
No, it's stating that cats are equal to dogs.
"So dog owners.. you now have to rename your pets."
Even if your first statement were a proper allegory of what happened, this still wouldn't make sense because the dogs would still be dogs. Oh and use ellipses correctly.
"We all know that one guy and one girl are the only thing that can make one human baby."
And we all know marriages necessitate procreation.
"We should not embrace or rejoice for a genetic mutation."
Well, if it weren't beneficial or neutral. But this is a non-sequitur anyway.
"How much longer is the majority in our nation going to suffer so the minority can thrive?"
It hasn't started yet. Unless the majority is people with persecutions complexes.
"My lord, we make businesses build ramps that costs hundreds of thousands of dollars so maybe 1 handicapped person can go in the business. We build thousands of handicapped parking spaces that are never used."
First of all, this is hyperbole. Second, you're a jackass if you think the handicapped don't deserve these things.
"We turn away intelligent and well qualified white students to let in not as qualified minority students."
Consider it a way of making up for the opportunities they were robbed of based on the position in life they were born into. The effect of equal action is nowhere near as significant as that.
"Why is it evil to be a white christian heterosexual?"
It's not. It's just bad to be an uncaring ass casserole who only thinks of his own position.
"Yes, minorities need some protection but we've gone so far to the extreme it's unbelievable."