[Another person has stated that "civil rights and liberties should always take precedence over religious perspectives in a pluralistic, free, and politically secular society"]
Do tell,using your logic, what "justification" would prohibit me from marrying my sister, brother, or mother? Or how bout me marrying 70 women at the same time? And if you are against such unions tell us why YOUR"E morality should prevail?
1.The very real danger of geneticaly damaged offspring, other than that, go ahead, knock yourself out.
2.I`d say the legal nightmare institutionalized polygamy would be in a modern country.
3.Simply, because contrary to what you think, it wouldn`t hurt you, or affect you one bit.
"Do tell,using your logic,"
There's a guy here to talk to you about logic.
If you really want to marry your sister, brother, or mother, then go for it, I don't really care.
I've heard about families like that, though. And it seems like it's always the Christian fundies who bring up incest. Makes me wonder.
Meh. As long as everyone involved is a consenting adult, have at it. It's not my business. I do reserve the right to call you a perverted asshole, though.
"YOUR'E morality"
I am? Awesome. I get to be morality!
Incest-As long as you're consenting adults I don't care. I have nothing against two adults with the same recessive genetic disorder getting married and their risk of transmitting to their offspring is 100%. Incest doesn't even come close to that. So have at it.
70 women-If you want to live with 70 women go ahead. The problem is how you'd get a marriage contract to work with that many people and to prevent abuse. Maybe those 70 women are your 70 business partners looking to avoid having to testify against you in a white collar crime case.
Do tell,using your logic, what "justification" would prohibit me from marrying my sister, brother, or mother?
Because your child would be born with a cubic fuckton of genetic and birth defects.
"Lot had sex with his daughters..."
To be fair, they got Lot drunk and raped him.
(Of course, he did offer them to the crowd first. Why is it that people consider it to be a book of morality?)
Hate to break it to you, buddy, but I'm not against those. Just so long as everyone is of age I really don't care. What I don't hate to break to you is that your own "god-inspired" holy book supports such unions, as well. Which means this atheist is actually more in line with your own religion than you are on this point.
Actually, feel free to marry a family member. I have no legal objections to it. Just don't do it for fradulent reasons, and take the necessary precautions against passing on debilitating diseases.
As far as marrying 70 women go, though... It's just not legally practical. Who gets to inherit? Who gets to make legal/medical decisions? How would joint-taxes work? What are the wives to each other, legally speaking? What if they want to marry multiple people as well? What happens in a divorce? It all gets way too complicated; and let's not even get onto the subject of kids...
> Do tell,using your logic, what "justification" would prohibit me from marrying my sister, brother, or mother?
Go ahead. Just don't breed.
> Or how bout me marrying 70 women at the same time?
Go ahead.
And if your elder brother's wife is widowed and childless you are to marry her and father a son, after which the son will be regarded as part of your brother's family.
Do tell, using your logic, what "justification" there is for that, other than it's the law according to the Bible?
Unclear on the concept of "civil rights and liberties." One of them is the rule of law, and for the rule of law to exist, there has to be law which outlines the responsibilities of citizens as well as their rights. You are prevented from marrying your close relatives and from polygamy by law. That you allow yourself the right to pour contempt on the law in the name of some "higher power" is the true mark of the fundie fanatic.
None of those other options are valid comparisons because they aren't the result of one's biology the way sexual orientation is. You're comparing (to use your favorite phrase) "lifestyle choices" to something that's more akin to eye color or being right or left handed.
Further, we outlaw incest for genetic reasons, and polygamy, partly, because it is by definition, in most cases, abusive to women and often to children. Let's just say we're protecting female fundie religious zealots from themselves, and children from being brainwashed into believing they have to grow up to be FLDS-style breeding machines.
If you marry your sib or your parent, you'll have freaks. If you have seventy spouses,you'll probably have a dysfunctional family. Either way, society (e.g., the rest of us)will have to pay for the mess that you made.
If you marry within your family without having children, I have no objection.
But, dude, do you really want to pay dozens of women alimony?
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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